November 1925
T HE : K l N G ’ S B ü S I NE S S
structure. A knowledge of the anatomy and life history of each of these animals shows clearly that the higher of each could neither have developed directly from the lower nor from a common ancestor of the two. The mud-puppy is quite unlike any fish, and the toad with its internal skel eton and peculiar life history could not b,e thought of as either developing into a turtle with its partial external skeleton or from some hypothetical common ancestor. The toad leaves the land to lay its eggs in the water while the turtle leaves the water to lay its eggs in the sand. The snake and Archaeopteryx are different in every why. So are the song birds, and duckbill, ^¡xamples like these are found everywhere in the classification tables of plants and animals. Evolutionists do not point out details like this, but instead call one’s attention to the ascending order of life and assume that the higher have evolved from the lower forms.,. More than this, a consistent classification table has not yet been made. Scientific writers differ widely as to the number of the major groups and sub-groups. Louis Agassiz, one of the greatest Scientists in history, and an authority in the field of classification, believed that man’s efforts to classify life were simply man’s efforts to interpret God’s plan in the creation of life. Hypothetical forms or “missing links” are much used these days to prove evolution. The fact that they are “missing” would indicate that they have not yet been found, which is proof against and not for the hypothesis. (To be continued) ■ to u r re a d e rs w ill be g la d to k n o w t h a t th e s e u n a n s w e ra b le a rg u m e n ts a g a in s t th e e v o lu tio n a ry fa lla c y , b y P ro fe s s o r B ole, a re b e in g p rin te d in b o o k le t fo rm , fo r w id e d istrib u tio n . T h ey c a n . b e -o b ta in e d fro m Biola, B ook Hoorn, 5?6 S o u th Hop'e S tre e t, L os A n g eles, C a lifo rn ia .) ate ate “I WILL COME AGAIN” Jo h n 14:3 Som e day th e Saviour is com ing. A cts !: 11-—."Y e m en of Galilee, w hy stan d ye gazing up into heaven? This sam e Jesu s, w hich is ■ tak en up from you in to heaven, shall so com e in like m anner.” . N one know eth th e tim e it w ill be, M ark 13:32— “B ut of th a t day an d hour know eth no m an.” N ot even th e angels o f heaven— M att. 24:36— “ No, n o t th e angels of heaven, b u t My F ath er only.” W hen th e L ord in H is b eauty w e’ll see; M att. 26:64— “H ereafter shall ye see th e Son of m an sittin g on th e rig h t hand of pow er, a n d com ing in th e clouds of heaven.” T itu s 2:12, 13— “W e should live soberly, righteously an d .g o d ly in th is p resen t w orld, looking fo r th a t blessed hope a n d the .glorious ap p earin g of th e g re a t God and o u r S aviour Jesus C hrist.” Is given to y o u an d to me. Heb. 10:37— “ For y e t a little while, a n d He th a t shall com e, will com e an d will n o t ta rry .” S uppose it should b e in th e m orning, 1 Thess. 5:6-—“Therefore, let us n o t sleep as do o thers, b u t let us w atch a n d be sober.” Just a t th e b re a k of day, M att. 25:13— “ F o r ye know neith er th e day n o r th e hour.” T h a t H is sign should a p p e a r in th e heavens, Luke 21:25— “T here shall be signs in th e sun an d in th e moon, a n d in th e sta rs, and upon th e earth d istre ss of n atio n s w ith perplexity.” A nd th e clouds be rolled aw ay,— 2 P et. 3:10— “The heavens shall p ass aw ay w ith a g reat noise.” T he natio n s of e a rth beholding; Rev. 1:7— “A nd every eye shall see Him, an d th ey also w hich .. pierced H im .” W ould it be for you a glad day? , Luke 21:36— “W atch ye therefore, an d p ra y alw ays, th a t ye 1 m ay be accounted w orthy to stan d before th e Son of m an.” — D oro th y B. Polsue. But the blessed hope of H is com ing
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