November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Christmas Will Soon Be Here=
(Continued from page 473) Some of the early presidents of these universities before heavy endowments became the rule, prayed earnestly to God to incline the hearts of Christians to be liberal in their gifts. Then came the day of large endowment funds and an independence that reminds one of the need of the Scrip tural prayer: “Give me neither poverty nor riches. Poverty lest X should steal, nor riches lest I should say, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’,’S | Many a man, during his early struggles with poverty and adverse circumstances, has been a thoughtful and kind neighbor, considerate of the poor and those dependent upon him; but when affluence comes to him, he becomes selfish, hard and cold. Truly, “how hardly shall they who have riches enter into the kingdom of Heaven ! ” ■ The only thing thàt can remedy this is a deep spiritual experience,' a change of heart, regeneration. This comes only by humbling oneself, being willing to recognize the authority of God in our lives, and this is obnoxious to the intellectual pride of man. Such a time as that in which we are now living is clearly prophesied in the Word of God, for we read: “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears: and they shall turn away their ears from, the truth and shall be turned unto fables.” Wilful and Woeful Ignorance The mistake of the materialist is that he thinks because be himself has had no spiritual experience, that there is no such thing as spiritual experience. Which reminds me of the story of the six blind men who went to see an elephant. One of them got hold of his tail and said: “The elephant is very like a rope.” Another Went up against his side and said, “The elephant is like a wall,” Another got hold of his leg and said, “The elephant is very like a tree,” and so on. Remember—-these were blind men, discussing something about which they knew nothing, but were too proud to admit their ignorance. Very much to the point is a letter from a Western busi ness man, Mr. W. W. Thornton, of El Paso, Texas, to the editor of “Thé Manufacturers’ Record,” written in commen dation of an editorial entitled “A Lay Sermon,” which appeared in that splendid publication. Mr. Thornton writes: “Please permit me to express my deep appreciation of your lay sermon, appearing in the Manufacturers Record of July 23. If there ever was a time when the friends of the old-time religion should speak up in defense of their faith, that time is now. Not that all the devices that can be fashioned by the Evil One could ever shake the faith of men who have an experimental knowledge of the saving grace and power of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, but there are the youth of our country, the unsaved and the ‘Babes in Christ,’ who need the assurance and strengthening help that is found in the testimony of business laymen who have found all they need in the religion of their fathers'. “The personal experiences related touched me, especially because they so vividly reminded me of an experience of my own not long ago. On May 12 of the present year my little boy, Andrew Bailey Thornton, was struck down by an auto mobile en route to school. The family was summoned and reached the hospital in a few minutes. Limp, unconscious, dying, he had spoken no word, and no one supposed that he would speak again. “His mother and I knelt beside him and called him by name. To the surprise of the doctor and alL present, tp
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