King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


t Biola Books Bless- Give Books This Christmas We wish to call your attention to the following books that will make very accept- able presents.____________ ______________ Prodigal Daughters By Joseph K ocking A sto ry w hich will hold th e re ad e r spell-bound until the last page is reached. It is a frank, u p -to -d ate story. A p ow erful piece of w ritin g in w hich th e fam ous novelist g rap h ically describes th e stru g g le ag ain st th e flood of hew m orals an d ethics a n d dress of th e y o u n g e r g e n e ra ­ tion of w om en. T his is n o t a religious b o o k in any sense of th a t term , b u t it is exceedingly w holesom e n e v e r­ theless. C loth, $1.75 The Witness G race L ivingston Hill Exit Betty

whom he had shown no sign of life, he answered clearly, ‘Yes, Mother, I love you and Daddy.’ Then he asked: 'Am 1 dying?’ in a tone that indicated a sudden heightened inter­ est. I answered him, ‘We hope not, but you know how to die, don’t you?’ Without hesitation,, he said, ‘Yes; I love God and I love everybody. I am not afraid.’ Then he gave messages of love to several close friends, tenderly consoled his weeping brother and sister, saying again that he was ‘Not afraid,’ asked each of us to kiss him, and slipped away into the land beyond the skies as quietly as I had watched him go to sleep in my arms many and many a time. “In our hearts we knew that out of the goodness and mercy of His tender heart God simply gave us these brief minutes with our little boy so that we might haye these parting words spoken back to us, as it seemed, from the very shores of eternity. We knew, of course, that he did love God, but the memory of his calm assurance and his triumphant passing will be a benediction to us so long as we shall live, and we shall always thank God that He per­ mitted us to go down to the very valley of the shadow with him. “I should count that man a fiend indeed who would rob me of the belief I hold touching the future and present state of my child. I thank the Lord that it cannot be done. I pity the materialistic mind that can see no farther beyond this vale of tears.” In conclusion, let us remember, first, that there is “a boring from within” by those who would turn our country over to the Soviets, as in Russia; who say “down with the Bible, down with God, down with the established order of things.” Second, that Germany tried materialism and it caused her downfall. Third, that France tried to abolish the Sabbath day and substitute a holiday every tenth day instead and her streets ran red with the blood of revolution. Fourth, that our country owes its greatness, not to its resources, but to the faith of its founders. “Blessed is that Nation whose God is the Lord.” HAVE WE FORGOT? Henry W. Frost (A fte r a tte n d in g a g r e a t M issio n a ry C o n v en tio n , a t w h ich no re fe re n c e .w as m ad e to th e r e tu r n of th e L o rd .) The King.went forth a kingdom to obtain With promise to His own to come again; The long, long years have passed, the years of pain And yet He cometh not— Have we forgot?

G race L ivingston Hill Faced w ith th e problem of m arry in g the w rong m an, B etty S tanhope d isap p ears ju s t before the m arriage cerem ony is to ta k e place. T h ereafter follows a series of en th rallin g incidents, in w hich th e tan g le of h er life is stra ig h te n ed ou t. This p re tty rom ance is a .pleasing . com bination of c h a ra c te r de­ velopm ent, th rillin g ad v en ­ tu re, te a rs a n d sunshine. Cloth, $1.75

A sto ry of y outh, of col­ lege adv en tu re, of high en­ d eav o r finally , trium phing . over d an g er an d tem p tatio n , an d how one i n c i d e n t w ro u g h t an enorm ous change in a m an’s life are to ld in th is book in th e fascin atin g sty le w hich M rs. Hill alw ays em ploys. If you like a real live sto ry be su re to read th is one. Cloth,$1.50

The Tryst

By Grace Livingston Hill D riven from hom e b y th e sudden, ap p allin g know l­ edge th a t she is n o t w anted, P a tty M errill goes to New Y ork. . . . She m eets a y o u n g m an. Y ou will find in this book an irresistible sp irit of y o u th and optim ism , com bined w ith high ideals an d fine p u r ­ pose. T h e w hole fam ily will be en th ralled w ith th e u n rav elin g of the plot. $2 .0 0 Re-Creations By G race L ivingston Hill Tomorrow About This Time

By G race L ivingston H ill . T his novel, a stu d y in hum an relations, will be co n ­ sidered one of M rs. Hill’s best. H alf sisters, and th e ir father, have m any exciting tim es. F lapper A thalie, an d gentle Alice will hold y o u r atten tio n to the la st page. C loth $2.00

Cornelia, w hose am bition to becom e an . in te rio r decorator w as c u t sh o rt b y having to leave college, R e-C reates h ap ­ piness a t hom e an d h as a lovely rom ance of h er own. T he kind of a sto ry you will like. C loth $2.00

“Not Under the Law”

He bade us keep our hearts forever pure, And, following Him, to suffer and endure, That we to Him might weary souls allure And He might tarry not— . Have we forgot? He asked us for Himself to wait and long, To turn our faces from the worldly throng Upward to Him, to whom our lives belong. And yet He hast’neth not—- Have we forgot?

By M rs. G race L ivingston H ill Lutz T his book tells in a delightful w ay th e sto ry of a young girl w ho is a true-blue, old-fashioned C hristian, a n d how h e r faith is tested as she goes o u t into th e w orld to earn h e r living, m eeting th e m odernist a n d his views. A n excellent book and an intensely in terestin g one for every young p erson. You will be doing yourself a favor an d be well pleasing to y o u r L ord if you will b u y a copy, read it an d pass it on, for it tells th e sto ry of H is grace a n d the p lan of salvation in a clear-cut w ay, interw oven w ith a fascinating love sto ry th a t comm ands in te rest a n d de­ m ands a reading to th e very last w ord. C loth (3 3 6 p a g e s ), $ 2 .0 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% for p o stag e.

And thus the days pass by; we joy and sing. We take His gift—yet little to Him bring, And speak no word of bringing back the King; And so He cometh noti|j|j§ We have forgot! “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” “I will come again.” “Behold! I come quickly.”

B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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