King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Biola Books Bless


Give Books This Christmas Choicest gift books for you and your friends. The Story of a Great King By H elen H ow ard Lemm el A m o re ch arm in g sto ry w ould be h a rd to find. It is w ritten by a g ra n dm o th er w hose rad ian ce shines th ro u g h each lovely, w ell-balanced p h ra se a n d th o u g h t. T h ere are 29 brief chapters. "T h is is th e sto ry of th e G reat K ing w ho lived in th e K ingdom of m arvelous L ight. T his g re at K ing is like no o th e r kin g th a t ev er lived. In th e first place, H e 'is the first K ing th a t ev er lived. A n d H e n ev er began to be. H e alw ays was. A nd, m ore th a n th at, H e will n ev er cease to be. T his book will pro v e of inestim able value to you. A volum e for all ages. A rt B oards $1 .0 0 W aiting on God A ndrew M urray H ave you read m any of A n­ drew M urray’s books? Even W orking fo r God A ndrew M urray C om panion book to “W a it­ ing on G od.” T his clearly

The young seminary teacher named Scopes has succeeded in producing many Bible scoffers, but he is still under bond. * * . It is easy to fall a victim to flattery, but the truth tests our ability to stand straight. * * * It is useless to run away from trouble. When you run until you are put of breath, you will find it following hard after. Better face it, fight it and fit yourself for another bout. * * * The cord which binds the poor old world now is discord. Put your ear to the earth and hear the rumble. Both earth and air respond and the tide of turmoil increases. Thank God, we have a Book which warns us of the warfare which awaits this poor, old sin-sick world. . * * * The convicts in San Quentin prison (California) are to have music with their meals. Beethoven will accompany the beans and a sixteen-piece convict orchestra will dilute their desire for dessert. Verily, music hath charms, even for convicts. * * * What’s the matter with Chicago?' Only 238 killings in six months, and only seventy-one family feuds. If she is to maintain her prestige as the first city in the land in the taking of human life, she will be compelled to increase her illicit stills. * * * The ambition of Steinmetz, the electrical wizard, was to so control the energy of the sun that its power could be transmitted to the most remote regions— melt the ice in Iceland and radiate light to the darkest places. Would that this could be used to illumine the minds of the blind and bigoted Bible-deniers! * * * The siren voice of Soviet Russia sounds sweetly in the ears of the Chinese. Soft and low— very low— are the argu­ ments that these false friends use while seeking to tie her hands and make her subject to their power. Chinese stu­ dents, trained in our own universities, are among her great­ est foes. So-called Christian culture may prove a curse rather than a cure for China. * * * The latest novelty in business is the use of roller skates. Messenger boys find it fun to skip along with a message and some employers in mercantile houses and factories go glid­ ing along with happy faces. We look forward to the time when they will be used in taking up church collections. How intensely interesting it would be and what a comfort to have such an innovation to ease our strained nervous system. Surely, the wheels of time do move! * * * In an address given in Los Angeles recently, Dr. Robert A. Millikan made the following remarks: “How does the Beta ray shoot itself out of an atom with its terrific velocity? Where does this amazing energy come from? We do not know. We are completely up in the air in our understanding of what it’s all about, and how it comes about.’’ But there are many other things we do not know, Dr. Millikan, and one of them is how evolution "did not” come about.

one c h ap ter of an y one of his books will m ake a definite con­ trib u tio n to th e enrichm ent of y o u r life. This little volum e, b y one w ho h as w aited on God, will be v ery precious to you an d every one to whom you give a copy. O rder Several, B oards 75c

w ritten , pow erful book inspires us to be doing definite things im m ediately. “They th a t w ait upon th e L ord shall renew th eir stre n g th . N either h a th th e eye seen, O God, beside Thee, w hich w orketh fo r him th a t w aiteth for H im ” (Isa. 40:31; 6 4:4). B oards 75c

The Revival at Broad Lane K ate D rew

A hook of a rre stin g pow er— one filled w ith a blessing fo r ev ery reader. "T o bo th th e unco n v erted a n d th e con­ v erted, this g ra p h ic reco rd will be a m essage from H eav en ." Jo h n M arsh, of L ondon, th e chief c h a ra c te r of th e story, will w in y o u r in te rest in those th ings w hich w ere so vital to him an d w hich ch an g ed th e c h u rch a t B road Lane. R ead w h at M arg aret B ingham h a d to do w ith it all. You will be g ratefu l to us for suggesting this story. C loth $1.75 The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life The Gift

A n Idyll of B ethlehem B y D avid D eForest B urell “L ittle Jo sh u a, com ing o u t of the synagogue school on a m id-w inter’s noon, found the tow n suddenly alive w ith stra n g ers” . . . . “All o u r kinsfolk, m o th er!” cried little Jo sh u a, looking up the th ro n g ed street. “Y ea,” she answ ered, “a n d so rry enough to com e h ith er too. Some have journeyed even from Galilee to please a R om an!” R ead th is little sto ry . G ift E dition in stiff bo ard s. 35c

By H annah W h itall Sm ith “A w hole generation h as felt its pow er an d been stim u lated b y its w holesom e faith .”— Book News. H appiness is the desire of everyone, b u t so often “C hristians” do n o t show n on-C hristians th a t H ap ­ piness is a ctu ally possible. It is p ositively n ecessary if we w ould be channels of blessing for th e M aster. R ead th is book— it do cto rs o u r sm ile a n d estab lish es our patien ce in th ese ‘‘la s t day s” of trials. B eautiful edition for only $ 1 .0 0

The Song of Our Syrian Guest By William Allen Knight

You m ay have re ad this book. T housands have m a r­ veled a t its sw eetness. It m akes th e 23 rd P salm m ost real— very com forting. T h e edition we offer th is y e ar is u nusually a ttrac tiv e a t 35c in p a p e r envelope. A n o th e r edition in boards a t 90c. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O OK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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