King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE FIRST BIBLE CONFERENCE (Continued from page 472) always concluded the Reading just finished was better than the one that preceded it and so oh until the last. A reading on the “Holy Spirit and the Word of God” by Rev. H. M. Parsons was,much enjoyed by all; incidentally, he showed how Satan was ever trying to trip up those nearest to Christ, not caring so much to touch those already down the stream, but would deceive even the elect if it were possible. George C. Needham’s subject on Saturday was “Paul’s Devotion to Christ,” which he handled admirably, bringing tears to nearly every eye as he showed how Paul’s one object was to magnify Christ, his Saviour. Prof. W. G. Moorehead, one afternoon, took for his topic “The Two Covenants,” of works and of grace. When h i s ,hour had expired he had only taken us, through the “Covenant of Works” and regretted that he had to leave us there, but we all concluded, as one man, that this would never; do, but that another hour must be given him another day, and well repaid We were that this arrangement could be, for the next day as he led us through the “Covenant of Grace,” piling text upon text to show the undeserved kind­ ness, the unmerited favor of the Lord Jesus towards the poor sinner, we felt that we would have been fully rewarded for traveling so far had we but heard this one reading. Rev. W. J. -Erdman delighted all his hearers, whether he led a Bible Reading, taught a Bible Class, or had charge of the several hours that were set apart to answer questions which had been handed in on paper. The questions were not answered by telling us what the different commenta­ tors and expositors thought, but by comparing Scripture with Scripture, for they all knew, as Dr. Brookes expressed it, that the Holy Spirit could tell us more about these sub­ jects than all-the expositors on the face of the earth. Prof. N. West’s Reading on the “Premillennial Coming of the Lord” would have convinced any unbiased mind that this doctrine “was indeed taught in God’s Word from first to last. He first told us of how the Postmillennial theory was never heard of until the Church apostatized, and then by a masterly argument from Scripture, proved conclu­ sively that the world is never going to be converted through the agency of the Church, but not until the Lord Jesus Him­ self should come in person, would the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. In closing, he remarked that the two Postmillennialists mentioned in the Bible were Satan and Anti-Christ, for did not Satan offer our Lord all the kingdoms of the world if He would fall down and worship him, thus anticipating the subjection of the world to Christ before His Second Advent? We are afraid that we have already taken up too much of your valuable space, but must' mention before closing, that on Sunday we had a sweet and impressive Communion service conducted by Dr. Brookes. In a few remarks he pointed out the difference between self-examination and self-judgment, and then called our attention to the com­ mand, “This do in remembrance of Me;” saying that many Christians acted as if it read, “This do in remembrance of You.” He closed his address by entreating each believer present to come to the Table, not thinking of his good self, nor even of his bad self, but simply of Him. The Holy Spirit has indeed taken the things of God, yea, even the deep things of God, and shown them unto us. Ministers and evangelists return to their fields o f labor refreshed and strengthened, with a firmer determination to hold up before men a crucified, risen and coming Saviour.

= C h r is tm a s Will Soon Be H e r e = “d BIBLES are always acceptable as gifts. We offer the following Bibles at very attractive prices.

No. 731. R eference Bible, Jasp e r ty p e ' on Bible paper. Size 6% x4% inches'. B ound iri G enuine M orocco, d iv in ity c ir­ cuit, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sew ­ ed. R egular price, $8.90. - As long as th is lot la sts th e price will be $6.65. No. 707. R eference . Bible, B revier type, on India Paper. Size 7% x5, inches. B ound in French L ev an t M orocco, divin­ ity circu it, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined. Sold a t $8.35. Exceptional value a t $6.15. No. 7X. B revier Reference Bible. Size 7 ^ x 5 inches. P rin ted on India paper. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity circu it, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sew ­ ed. R egular price, $10.50. Now, $6.85. No. 101. T eacher’s C oncor­ dance Bible p rin ted from B our­ geois • ty p e on India paper. Size 8x5% , inches. B ound in French L evant, divinity circuit, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined. Sold a t $10.50. Now, $7.35. No. 331. A well arran g ed T eachers Bible, p rin ted from M inion type, on Bible paper. Size 6% x4% inches. B ound in real M orocco, d iv in ity circuit, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined to edge. R egular price, $8.25. Can now be had for $5.85. No. 254. S p l e n d i d size P ock et Bible containing the full Text. P rin ted from clear nonpareil B lack-faced ty p e on India p aper. Size 5% x3% inches w ith six m aps. B ound in French M orocco, divinity circu it, silk sewed, round c o r­ ners, red u n d er gold edges. R egular price, $4.00. D uring th is sale th e price is $2.85. No. 315. T ext Bible p rin ted in C rystal ty p e on Bible paper. Size 4% x2% inches. B ound in French M orocco, divinity c ir­ cuit, red u nder gold edge. R eg­ u la r price, $2.40. Special sale price, $1.75. No. 249. India P ap er R efer­ ence Bible, M inion Type, size 6% x4% inches. C ontains. 12, m aps and index to m aps. The lig h test, th in n est an d m ost com p act h andy R eference Bible y et m ade. B ound in Real M orocco, leath er lined to edge, round corners, red" u n d er gold edges, divinity circuit. R eg­ u la r price, $8.50. Specially p riced a t $5.85

No. H75X. A G enuine India P ap er M inion R eference Bible. Size 6% x4% inches. B ound in G enuine M orocco, d iv in ity c ir­ cuit, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined to edge. B utton clasp, silk sewed. R egular price, $7.80. Special Sale Price, $5.45. No. 777. A n exceptionally fine M inion R eference Bible p rin ted on real India paper. Size 6% x4% inches. B ound in Genuine Sealskin, divinity c ir­ cuit, red u nder gold edge, calf lined to edge, silk sewed. Reg- 'dlar price, $10.55. Special price for th is sale a t $7.25. No. 17. C lear N utype T each­ ers Bible self-pronouncing, co n ­ tain in g new type, teach ers aids to Bible stu d y , C oncordance, d ictio n ary an d su b ject index. B ound in French Seal, divinity circu it, round corners, red u n ­ d er gold edges, head b an d and m arker, grained lining. Size 5 1 / 2 x 8 inches. R egular price $5.50. E xceptional value a t $3.65. No. 531. A H igh G rade T eachers Bible p rin ted from M inion type, on genuine India paper. Size 6% x4% inches. B ound in genuine M orocco, d i­ v in ity circu it, red u n d er gold edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sewn. P rice, $8.90. Spe­ cially p riced now a t $6.65. inches. H as all p ro p er nam es accented an d divided in to sy l­ lables, m aking pronunciation easy. C ontains colored m aps of th e H oly L ands. Bound in French M orocco, lim p, round corners, red u n d er gold edges. R egular price $3.50. R em ark­ able value a t $2.35. No. 89. A Self-Pronouncihg T ext Bible, P ock et size. It has th e larg est, clearest ty p e to be found in a n y Bible of like size. H andsom e flexible leath er b in d ­ ing of French M orocco, d iv in ­ ity circu it style, round co rn ­ ers, red u n d er gold edges, head b an d an d m arker. Splen­ did q u ality fo r $3.90. C ertainly w orth your atten tio n , $2.65. No. 319. One of o u r m ost liked O xford India P ap er R ef­ erence Bibles, w ith B revier B lack-faced type. Size 7x4 % inches. Only one inch thinck, an d con tain s 12 m aps. Bound in real M orocco, divinity c ir­ cuit, grained calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red u nder gold edges. R egular price, $10.00. Y ou w ill like th is Bible— certain ly you will like th e p resen t price of $7.50 No. 687. Self P ronouncing T ext Bible. Size- 5 % x 7 %

All Bibles delivered prepaid w hen cash accom panies th e order. If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified.

B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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