November 1925
T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S
THE WAY TO THE TRUTH (Continued from page 471)
“Best” for Christmas Giving
The answer to this question is distinctly given in the revelation which presents the truth, and when once the answer is apprehended it commends itself to every intel ligent man. The truth is known by its product. It is known in no other way. It is fully known in this way. When such fruits as have been indicated in the beginning of this article are manifested in the character and experience of men and women they certainly validate as truth that to which such men and women hold. To just the extent that these fruits are produced in quality and measure the truth is s'et forth. So Jesus said again and again: “Beware of false prophets. . . . . By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:15-16). He would have His own teachings tested by the same rule: “If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do them, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:37-38). And therefore it is not so much the intellectual ■examination of the words of Jesus which has commended them and their Author to the world, as that which those words have accomplished for the good, of the world. “Believe the works,” This is the way to the truth. There is no insuperable difficulty in determining it. On the con trary, it is so simple and so reasonable that millions have found and embraced the truth who, like the apostles of old, were “unlearned and ignorant men.” The Book of Truth Let us ask ourselves first in general terms, What book has brought the most blessing into the world? The answer certainly is, The Bible. It has brought more than all other books, in which its teachings are lacking, put together. Then the Bible must be, in general terms, the truth. Or we may ask, What person has had the largest success in the conquest of sin and the removal of its consequences? Beyond all question, Jesus. Then we may fully agree with His own judgment of Himself, “I am the truth.” . But we may proceed to some particulars of this question. There are various religious systems adopted by those who regard the Bible as the best of books and Jesus as the best of men. First of all, there is what has- been called by some “the blood religion.” Those who hold it are known today as “Conservatives,” “Fundamentalists,” and the like. Their system is well understood; it is not necessary to define it. There are also certain departures from this system in a number of degrees and variations, up to positive denial of its distinctive features. These departures constitute what is known as “Modernism.” This, also, need riot be defined. It may be confidently asserted and emphatically reiter ated, that the fruits of the so-called “blood religion” far surpass in measure and quality those of all other forms of divergent faith, calling or miscalling themselves “Chris tian.” It is responsible for pretty much all the good that has come to this weary, sinsick world. What the Truth Is Not One of the chief exponents of Modernism today is Harry Emerson Fosdick. At a complimentary luncheon tendered him in New York, he said: “There are some things, how ever, which we who stand for this effort in the church need to say to ourselves very plainly. Especially do we need to be very sure that we will never win in the cause in which we are engaged by the rationality of our theology and the precision of any theoretical hypothesis we may put forth. Unless we can in our lives produce the same evangelical zeal, the same consumingly passionate devotion to the King-
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