King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


dom of our Lord, the same sacrificial energy which flowed forth in the past from the convictions of those who have so faithfully followed what is today called the ‘old’ theology, we shall never come to any worthy place among those who follow in the train of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Even so. Note again what he has to say about the fruits of the “old” theology. If his own judgment is correct, as herein expressed, then, indeed, the adherents of his theology will never “come to any worthy place among those who follow in the train of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Barrenness of Modernism Infidelity is barren. It has promoted very few philan­ thropic enterprises; it has no helpful literature and no inspiring art; and those whose theology approaches it pre­ pare the way for its ,dearth of the kindly, the comforting, the purifying, the helpful service of mankind. The outcome of the “blood religion” has always been and still remains the very reverse. It alone has transformed the world. It has provided all the great Christian agencies— foreign mis­ sions, the best and greatest of them all. It founded the Bible societies of our own and other lands, the American Tract Society, the Sunday School Union, the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian Associations, and institutions of like nature with more restricted influence, such as hos­ pitals, dispensaries, asylums, homes for the aged, and societies for the relief of the poor. Nearly all of our Amer­ ican colleges, previous to the coming of the state universi­ ties, were organized by men of the “blood religion.” Its literature is most extensive and includes all our great hymns. The two books which have had the widest circula­ tion, the Bible of course excepted, Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progressi and Thomas a Kempis’ Imitation of Christ, were written by “blood religion” men. The great paintings were produced by them, the great cathedrals, the great oratorios. All this and much more. And beyond all, the millions of men and women reclaimed from their sins and led into sweet, pure, unselfish lives—-martyrs, confessors, mission­ aries, reformers, and thousands unknown to fame-if-these are the fruit of, as they are the irrefutable argument for, the “blood religion.” And be assured it will continue to be so. For a time, perhaps, those who have departed from its company will continue to steal its livery and attempt to justify their vagaries by the fruit which they did not produce; they will even continue to derive their support from agencies which it has established; but in due season their folly will be;“evi- dent unto all men,” as was that of Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses (2 Tim. 3:8).

Our Slogan for 1926 A Scripture Text Calendar In Every Home It is a real neces­

sity in every hom e. T he influence it has on th e young in teach in g g reat tru th s and in cu l­ cating th e right view of life should ap peal to every p aren t. It teaches m orality and good citizenship and th e lessons th u s le a rn ­ ed w i l l follow th ro u g h life.

Size of C alendar 9^4x16 Inches. An Art Gallery of the World’s Most Famous Sacred Paaintings The Scripture Text Calendar contains 12 beau­ tiful reproductions of the works of some of the world’s greatest artists. All of these pictures rep­ resent what is best and most refined in the realm of religious art. The color paintings are perfect and beautiful. A beautiful gallery of the world’s most famous Sacred paintings. These beautiful reproductions are worth many times the low price of the calendar. SPECIAL FEATURES — for 1926 — WORTH COST OF CALENDAR The usual features which have made this calen­ dar famous, such as the International Sunday School lesson each Sunday, daily Scripture verse, and twelve paintings from the masters, have been retained in the 1926 calendar. The verse for each Sunday is the Golden Text in full, for the following Sunday. On the back page of the calendar is shown a perpetual calendar, table of standard time around the world, table of Easter Sundays from 1860 to 1955, statistics on religions of the world and lan­ guages of the world. Ideal Gift N othing could be m o re a p p ro p ria te as a gift a t C h rist­ m as tim e th an one of these S crip tu re T ex t C alendars. F or those w ho w ish to p u rc h ase a sm all q u an tity for this p u r ­ pose, we q u o te the follow ing: Single C opies, 3 0 c; 5— $ 1 .4 0 ; 12— $ 3 .0 0 ; 23— $ 5 .7 5 ; 5 0— $ 1 0 .0 0 ; 100— $1 7 .0 0 Send C ash W ith O rd er 1926 CALENDARS NOW READY D on't w aitl. Don’t delay! 1926 C alendars a re now ready. Be sure to place y o u r o rd er fo r full supply. O ur experience has been th a t by far th e g reater portio n of these calendars a re sold in advance of th e New Y ear. , C alendars a re p rin ted in English, G erm an, Swedish, N orw egian, D anish, Spanish, Italian, French an d Jap an ese languages, b u t all foreign languages from a special edition w ith p ite tu re s (except cover) p rin ted in th e duo-color process. If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage.

T . C. HORTON , E ditor-m -C hief T he K ing’s Business, 536-558 S. H o p e St., Los A ngeles, C alifornia. D ear F riend:

E nclosed, find $ .............................................and list of nam es on a tta ch e d sh eet of p a p e r to w hich please send T h e K ing’s Business (re g u la r p rice $1.25 in U. S., $1.50 fo r­ eign) an d the K. B. Q u a rterly (re g u la r 75c in U. S., 90c fo reig n ), for one y e a r— b o th for $1.25 if so specified— th a t these peopie m ay b e ”ARMED and ARMOURED” fo r th e fight in D efence of th e F aith. A dvance my own su b scrip tio n .................................... years. N am e.................................................................................................-.......... A ddress.........^.......— - r - - -

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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