King's Business - 1925-11


November 1925

T H E KING; - ’ S B U S I N E S S

table cloths and things which are very useful to the lepers for dressings. “All packages should be marked ‘F o r Leper Hospital,’ . Kwangju, Korea, Asia. If so marked there will be no duty. Last year we turned out seventy-five cured or arrested cases and this year twenty-five. The results with the treatment are very encour­ aging, and the disease can be arrested and held in check in the majority of the cases. “Friends who are interested could do a good work by appealing to the managers of hotels and hospitals for such supplies. Every clean rag can be put to good use here in the Leper Home. “We have a big, happy leper family, and it would do your heart good to see them in their gardens, carpenter shops, and at their many kinds of work. We have 204 baptized, 117 catechumens, three elders and ten deacons in the leper church. “We want a thousand new friends for the lepers. Won’t you cure a few for us? “With very sincere regards, Yours very truly, R. M. Wilson, M. D. Kwangju, Korea (A sia.)” ate1 I will charge my soul to believe and wait for Him, and will follow His providence, and not go before it, nor stay behind it.— Samuel Rutherford.


Evangelist T. T. Martin, the well known Southern Baptist evangelist, author of many books such as “Hell and' the High -Schools,” “God’s Plan with Men,” etc., and Field Secretary of the Anti-Evolution League of Amer­ ica, who was very much in evidence during the recent historic “Scopes trial” at Dayton, Tennessee, has sent us a “Manifesto and Call to Arms” issued at a called meeting of the League at Dayton, July 11, 1925. The “Manifesto,” after reminding Christian people of the disastrous' effects of the teaching of the unproved and improvable theory of evolution as fact, in our public schools and col­ leges, closes with the following: •: “Therefore, be it resolved, that we energetically protest against the; teaching of ‘creative evolution’ in our schools as unscientific, and degrading to the minds of our children, as weak­ ening 'their morals, as dangerous to the nation’s existence, antagonistic to the Word or God, and ruinous to faith and religion. “Be it further resolved, that we call on all true Christian men and women in all our churches to vigorously pro­ test and work against such teaching in both church and schools; and if- need be, withdraw all indorsement, assistance and support, from the churches and schools which continue

to practically deny God our Father and disloyally betray Jesus Christ our Saviour, by sanctioning such unscien­ tific and atheistic materialism. And in all our church, school, municipal, state and national elections, we shall work and vote •for men and women who will support only true science and the Word of God. Let the churches be purged of apostate para­ sites, who fatten on her fullness, and betray their Master with a kiss.” Copies of the “Manifesto” can be obtained for 1 0 c each, $ 1 . 0 0 a dozen, $7.50 per 100, $60.00 per 1000. It contains much valuable information, especially giving the names of many eminent scientists whose " writings controvert the theory. Order from T. T. Martin, Field Secretary, Blue Mountain, Miss., or from Thos. H. Nel­ son, Asst. Field Sec’y, 27 th St. and Emeraus Ave., Zion City, 111. Send for a supply and distribute where they will do the most good. IÜ t üjg OLD SHEETS NEÏ5DED “In our Leper Home we have 604 inmates, and about half of them (300) require a dressing every morning. As gauze and cloth out here are quite expensive we are appealing to friends of the lepers f.or their old sheets, old

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