King's Business - 1925-11


November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

to fountains of living water. It re­ veals Him as a Husbandman reaping the earth. It reveals Him as a Bride­ groom whose marriage to His spotless bride, makes heaven exult with glad­ ness and rejoicing. It reveals Him as a Warrior clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, riding on a white horse, and leading all the armies in heaven to “make war” on earth and smite the nations with a sharp sword going out of His mouth. It reveals Him as a King with many crowns, reigning for­ ever and ever. It reveals Him as Prince of the kings of the earth, as King of saints, and King of kings. It reveals Him as a Judge reward­ ing prophets and saints, judging the earth for a thousand years, and then sitting in awful majesty upon a great white throne judging the millions of the dead. It reveals His second com­ ing as the Morning Star to catch away His believing Church. It reveals Him coming as a thief in the night. It reveals Him coming in the clouds of heaven, amid falling stars, a bleed­ ing moon, a blackened sun, and a trembling, wailing earth. And last of all, it reveals Him sitting upon His radiant throne, “making all things new.” Ah, the whole grand Book is full of Christ. It sets Him forth as the Son of Man, Son of God, the Almighty, the Creator, the Redeemer, the Angel of the Covenant, a Prophet, a Priest a Prince, a King, a Lord of lords, a Judge, a Reaper, a Captain, a Bride­ groom, a Lion, a Lamb, the Sun, the Morning Star, the Light, the Word, the Truth, the Temple, a Precious Stone. Then when it seems it must exhaust heaven and earth to describe Him, it declares that He still has a name which “no man knew.” What a wonderful Saviour!.—Watch and Pray.


|T is a common thing to hear people call the last book in the Bible, the Book of “Rev­ elations.” They speak of it

It reveals Him in heaven sitting on God’s throne, holding the keys of death, the keys of hell, and the keys to the throne room of David. It re­ veals Him in the heavenly temple, girded about the breast with the gol­ den girdle of a great High Priest, and offering up the prayers of the saints. It reveals His glorified Person in the minutest detail, describing His hair as white as snow, His eyes as a flame of fire, His feet as burning brass. His voice as the sound of many waters, His hand holding the stars, and His face shining like the sun. This book also goes down into the very heart of the Son of God and re­ veals His character. It calls Him Holy and True. It shows how He “loved us." It tells of things He “hates.” It speaks of His “patience,” and re­ veals the “wrath of the Lamb." It speaks of Faith as "the faith of Jesus,” thus revealing Him as the Author of faith, and in the last verse of the book it reveals Grace as also belonging to Him. It reveals His om­ nipotence by calling Him the Al­ mighty. It reveals His omniscience by declaring seven times that He knows the deeds and character of men, and “searches the heart.” It reveals His omnipresence by declaring Him to be in heaven and at the same .time standing at the door of every heart. It reveals Him as a Hero, encircled by a hundred million praising angels. It reveals Him as God, receiving the worship of heavenly saints. It reveals Him as a Shepherd in glory, feeding a multitude of ransomed which no man could number, and leading them

in the plural form, as if the book consisted of many different revela­ tions. But this is not so. The word “Revelation” is not in the plural. It is in the singular. - The book is not made up of a number of strange and mysterious revelations. It is just ONE grand revelation. It is "The Revela­ tion of Jesus Christ.” The word “rev­ elation means to “reveal,” and the en­ tire purpose of the Book of Revelation is to “reveal” Jesus Christ in all the varied glories of His great majesty and power. And there is no book in all the Bible that reveals Jesus Christ as does this book. It is just full of Christ. This Book reaches back into the past ages of eternity, and reveals Christ as “the beginning and the end­ ing,” “the first and the last,” and the one who “is, and was, and is to come." It sets Him forth as the Almighty, and the Creator who “created all things." Then it brings Him down to earth and reveals Him as Son of Man, the Root and Offspring of David, and a Man- child born of a woman. It reveals His birth and His persecution in the days of His flesh by Satan, the great red dragon. It reveals His testimony on earth as the Word of God and the Faithful Witness. It reveals Him Pierced, Slain and Dead, and shows Him washing sinners in His “own blood.” It reveals His Resurrection and His .triumph over death and hell, and shows His Ascension, “caught up to God and His throne.”

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