King's Business - 1925-11


November 1925

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

Here’s your chance to get those books you’ve been wanting J**- Absolutely ■ H t t W e offer you the following books as premiums for new subscriptions to The King’s Business and K. B. Sunday School Quarterly: FOR 1 NEW SUBSCRIPTION a n y one of th e follow ing:

W hy I Believe in th e V irgin B irth — Wm . Evans, .................................................... c lo th 1.00 Jesus is C om ing— W . E. B.................C loth $ .75 W hy I R eject th e H elping H and of M illennial D aw n— W . C. Stevens...........4 0 $1.15 FOR 4 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS a n y o n e of th e follow ing: F ine Gold— Josephine H ope W esterv elt__clo th $1.25 T h e C onflict— E lizabeth K nauss....................... clo th 1.25 In T h e T w inkling of an Eye— Sydney W atson .................................................................................. cloth 1.25 T h e M ark of th e Beast— Sydney W atso n __clo th 1.25 S carlet a n d P u rp le— Sydney W atso n ............ clo th 1.25 T h e P atm o s V ision— Geo. W . Davis ...clo th 1.75 Jam ison’s C om prehensive Bible C h a rt..........clo th 1.25 FOR 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS a n y o n e o f th e follow ing: In C h rist Jesus: T h e S p h ere of th e B eliever’s Life— A . T . P ie rso n ........................... e x tra cloth $1 .5 0 T h e P assing of “T h e Word**— H elen H enshaw .. 1.50 P erp lex in g Passages in th e F o u r Gospels — K eith L. B rooks__....__ ___ :....................... clo th 1.50 P erso n al an d P ra c tica l C h ristian W ork — T . C . H o rto n ............... ....................................clo th 1.50 D ivine U nity of th e S crip tu res — A d o lp h S a p h ir ...............................................clo th 1.50 FOR 6 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS a n y o n e of th e follow ing: K now ing th e S crip tu res— D r. A . T . P ie rso n c lo th $ 2 .0 0 T h e Bible a n d S p iritu al Life — D r. A . T . P ie rso n ................................... ...¿cloth 2.0 0 T h e P eerless Poem s of D avid th e K ing — Jan e C opley ................................... ....¿.„.¿..--cloth 1.75 T hings N ew a n d O ld— D r. C. I. Scofield.......cloth 2.0 0 Studies in th e Life and T eachings of O u r L ord — R. A . T o rre y ........................ .................... ......clo th 2 .0 0 T h e Summ arized Bible— K eith L. B rooks__clo th 2.0 0 God’s Best Secrets— A n d rew M u rra y ..........clo th 2.0 0 T h e P atm o s V ision— G eorge W. D avis........cloth 1.25 T h e W orld’s G reatest Need — T . E. H . Jo n es................................................ cloth 2.0 0 T h e Revival a t B road L ane— K ate D rew ..._cloth 1.75 O r if y o u send in tw o o r m o re y o u c an m ake u p any com bination y o u w an t ju st so th e com bination price does n o t exceed 65c fo r 2, $1.15 fo r 3, $1 .4 0 fo r 4, $1.65 fo r 5, $2.00 fo r 6, $2.40 fo r 7, $2.65 fo r 8. $3.15 fo r 9, $3.40 fo r 10, $3.65 fo r 11, o r $4.00 fo r 12. _________ ________ ______________ T his is an unu su al o p p o rtu n ity to se c u re th e books y o u have b een w ishing fo r C hristm as gifts o r fo r y o u r ow n lib ra ry . A little effort ju st now will secu re every title you m ay w ish for. START TODAY I The King’s Business 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

D eath D efeated a n d Defied— R. A . T o rre y ............ $ .25 C h ristian S cience an d th e W ord— F ra n k H uling.. .25 T ru th fo r You— J. H . Samm is ........ ... ..........— .— .25 D iary of a D o cto r’s Son— K eith L. B rooks............ .25 T h e G row ing C h u rch— C leland Boyd M cA fee__ .25 H ig h er C riticism— D r. R. A . T o rre y ..............................25 Is S alvation Safe— K eith L. B rooks.................................25 K ey W ords to th e K ing’s T re a su ry com bined w ith W atch W ords fo r th e K ing’s S ervants-— C. E. P ax o n ........................................... .................... . .25 T h e S h ep h erd P salm— D r. R. A . T o rre y __.¿....._ .25 T h e L o rd from H eaven— Sir R o b ert A n d e rso n ........... 25 Jesus, P ro p h e t, P rie st an d K ing — D r. R. A . Torrey..^..v.i.......^............... .............. , .35 M ysteries of th e K ingdom— W . C. Stevens...' .35 T rium p h s of th e C ross— W . C. Stevens...................... 35 T h e P ro p h e t Jo n ah— D r. A . C. D ixon........ .............. .25 R ansacking th e S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks.............25 W h at S aith th e S crip tu res— K eith L. B rooks.............25 W hy I R eject th e H elping H an d of M illennial Dawn— W . C. S tevens...........................4 0 S atan— Lew is S p e rry C h a fer..............................................2 5 Sim ple L essons in Bible M arking. — K eith L. B rooks............... ... ...................... .25 S trongholds of T ru th— W . H . G riffith T h om as.... .25 T h e T im e of th e E nd— W . E . C a p e rto n .........................25 T hese P rem illennialists, W ho A re T hey? — T . C. H o rto n ................... ................ ..................... .25 T h e Tw o G enealogies— J. C. Still ion....................... .25 FOR 2 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following: T h e R e tu rn of the L ord Jesus — R. A . T o rre y .................................................p a p e r .50 S crip tu ral Insp iratio n vs. Scientific Im agination — R iley ..................| ......................................¿.paper .50 T h e L aym en’s H and b o o k of D aniel — G. A . B riegleb........ .................................. .......................5 0 Jesus, P ro p h e t, P rie st an d K ing D r. R. A . T o rre y ............................................. C loth .50 M atthew ’s G ospel Self In terp re te d K eith L. B rooks............ __............ ......................................50 T h e Son of God— K eith L. B rooks..........................:. .50 T h e Son of M an— K eith L. B rooks............... ....................50 S uggestive Lessons on th e T ab ern acle — M rs. A . L. D ennis.... .............................................50 W hy I am a C h ristian— D r. A . C . D ixon.....................5 0 Jesus is C om ing— W . E. B...............................p a p e r .5 0 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following: S erm on Illustrations from th e Bible — K. L. B rooks..............................._;...................... $1 .0 0 P erp lex in g Passages in th e F o u r Gospels — K. L. B rooks.............................................1__ ... 1.0 0 T h e V irgin B irth— Wm . E vans..........................C lo th 1.00 T h e D ivine U nity of th e S crip tu res— A . S ap h ir.. 1.00 T h e L aym an’s H and b o o k of D aniel — G. A . B riegleb................ .............. ..............C loth 1.00 O ld T estam en t T ypes— W . B. R iley............ $ .40 P ro p h e t, P rie st an d K ing — D r. R. A . T o rre y ...................................... .65 $1.05

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