King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925




It’s a Tremendous Responsibility to Own a Bible

There’s Work for Those Who Have Their Tools Ready

DO YOU WANT TO BE MORE USED OF GOD? S NEVER BEFORE the Lord of the Harvest calls for “LABORERS” who will be true to His Word. Vacant pulpits in all denominations—needy fields at home and abroad—crying need everywhere for personal witnesses who know how to handle the Sword of the Spirit—apostasy and heresy spreading like wild fire—this is the present situation! What a responsibility rests upon those who have “the witness of the Spirit!” When you know how to use your Bible, you have power to touch the deepest human needs.

An Efficient Facu lty to Train E f f ic ien t Chr istian Workers A Faculty pledged to Evangelical teaching and opposed to unscriptural extremes of all kinds. Interdenominational in Directors, Faculty and Student Body. Splendid fireproof buildings with over 600 comfortable rooms, class rooms, auditorium seating 4,000, in heart of Los Angeles. Regular Course, two years of two semesters each—Pastor*s Course, three years. No tuition fees—Board and room $8.50 per week. Write for Catalogue Containing Complete Information BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES REV. W. R. HALE, Asst. Supt. 536-558 South Hope St. Los Angeles, California

Day and Evening Classes and Correspondence Courses FACULTY Dr. Jo h n M. M aclnnis, D ean D r. R alph A tkinson, A ssociate Dean Rev. Jo h n H . H unter, Sec. of Faculty Rev. W illiam H. Pike, Sec. E vening School Rev. K eith L. B rooks, Sec. Cor. School D r. G eorge E. R aitt, Supt. E xt. D ept. C h ristian M. Books Prof. A rth u r A. B utler M iss M arie C arter

M iss Florence Chaffee Dr. Jo h n M arvin Dean Rev. Jo h n A. H u bbard Prof. H. W . K ellogg M iss W ilm a K rag M rs. B esse D. McAnlis M iss M ertis R iddle M iss G race T o d d . Prof. H. G. Tovey Prof. J. B. T row bridge

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