King's Business - 1925-11

canget its full richness from the New andEnlarged Edition ot Thompson’s Chain Reference Bible

Read the recommendation of the two great Christian Leaders whose pictures appear on this page. One of these has passed to his reward. Readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS know their deep sincerity. From their own freely given testimony you will see they have been wonderfully helped by the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Fu l l B i b l e Li brary i n One Vo l ume

Turns the searchlight of knowledge and GYPSY SM ITH, WORLD EVANGELIST understanding on the pages of Holy Scrip- sIh o o ?refe a c h e rSBla id o th f r r w o fk e rsd the ture. Leads you to vital truths and clarifies C hain^Jteference Bible is w o rth its w eight their meaning. Contains full Bible text Authorized Version, and the equivalent of 3200 columns of reference data, Bible Helps, etc., or the equal of over 800 pages. Chain Reference System Enables you quickly and easily to follow any thought, topic or character straight through the Bible. Only Reference System in existence that does away with letters and figures and confusing signs in the text. Expository Verse Analysis Substantially every verse in the Bible is analyzed into thought topics—some into as many as seven. These are printed in the reference column directly opposite the verse. Being both suggestive and expository, they throw light on hidden truths. Text Cyclopedia A comprehensive encyclopedia of Bible texts and related information grouped and classified under easy subject headings. A

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B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO. 331RB Penw ay Building Indianapolis, Indiana

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T his “Bible L ib rary in one volum e” is no t sold in sto res. The sam e comm ission is paid rep resen tativ es th a t sto res get for selling other Bibles. All inquiries from y o u r te rrito ry are forw arded to you an d sales from them are given full credit to you. M any rep resen tativ es a re m a k i n g the am ounts given above— you can do th e sam e. O nly one rep resen tativ e allow ed in a com m un­ ity, so m ail coupon now to be su re of th is privilege in y o u r own vicinity.

No one b u t earn est C h ristian w orkers need apply for th e position of rep resen tativ e of the C hain R eference Bible. Its sale is d istin ctly a service for ou r L ord and M aster, since it helps o th ers to know H is will an d teachings. H un­ dreds of people in y o u r neighborhood know th a t th ey can n o t “live on b read alone, b u t from every w ord th a t proceeds o u t of th e m outh of God.” These people will quickly bu y a C hain- R eference w hen it is shown to them th a t th is “b re a d of life” can m ore easily be g o tten from it.


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