November 1925
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
was honored; His Word expounded; the exaltation of the Yirgin-born Christ and the expectation of His speedy return endeared the teaching to the multitudes who attended. But now the picture is changed. A little at a time the standard has been lowered. The seed of doubt and denial has been sown. The Holy Spirit, once recognized and exalted and whose presence filled the place, is no longer looked for to sway the hearts and lives of the hearers. Another Gospel is being preached, and now the climax has been reached for Fosdick is on the platform! Fosdick—who, puffed with pride over his disgrace ful play in the Presbyterian ranks and happy oyer the dissension and sorrow he has wrought in the evan gelical churches; Fosdick—(the “ false-dickerer” ) who gladly took Presbyterian money from a Presbyterian church, knowing that the church was violating its prin ciples in retaining him; Fosdick—who has now broken the bands and bonds which united him to the Baptist church and, sitting in the Rockefeller saddle, proposes to institute a new (Fosdick) fangled denomination in which there will be no Virgin Birth and no Infallible Bible, but a book which he himself will select from the Bible which will describe’the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as a fable like unto those described in mythol ogy of the origin of Greek and Roman deities, which cannot be accepted as fact. This is the crux of the whole matter. The founda tion of Fosdick’s Bible is Christless, for all other doc trines of the Bible rest upon the Virgin Birth, of Jesus Christ. Even the, standard of the Standard Oil Com pany would be lowered if its business rested upon such baseless suppositions as those of the Fosdick phil osophy. Alas, Northfield is far afield. The Moody name has been muddled through Fosdick. Our hearts ache for those whose funds have been, used to lower Northfield to the Fosdick level. What is the lesson for those who contemplate this downfall? What of the future of our churches and institutions ? Will our Lord find us faith ful to Him in this crucial hour?
a missionary. Take your King’s Business and the S. S. Quarterly to some friend or neighbor and show them what $1.25 will obtain for them, making it quite clear to them that the one subscription price of $1.25 includes both the magazine and the S. S. Quarterly when both are specifically requested. And then, too, you could not possibly make a more appropriate or appreciated Christmas gift to your friends than a year’s subscription to The King’s Busi ness. So make up your Christmas gift subscription list at once and send it in. The subscription will be entered for the full twelve months of 1926, and in addition we will include next month’s beautiful Christmas number, making a total of 13 monthly issues, together with an attractive Christmas greeting card, bearing the sender’s name, telling them that they will be receiving a love gift from you every month in 1926. Remember,^-that you might spend $1.25 for a box of candy,—it will be gone in an hour; for a very inex pensive piece of jewelry—it will soon be lost or stolen; for a few whiffs of perfum ^ -it will soon evaporate! But the same amount of money spent for The King’s Business—the Bible Family Magazine— will bring comfort and help and blessing now and for eternity. NEWS FROM NORTHFIELD and the MOODY MUDDLE Here it is at last. For a number of years conditions at the Northfield Conference have given sorrow to many loyai friends, for among the speakers' have been many whose loyalty to the inspired Word of God has been questioned. Originally Northfield was the center of evangelical conferences and honored by the presence of such teach ers and preachers as Moody, Pierson, Gordon, Erdman, Parsons, Marquis, Moorehead, West, Bishop Nichol son, Henson, Blackstone, Munhall, Bishop Baldwin, Torrey, Dixon, and many others of the outstanding evangelical expositors of this and other lands. Everywhere the praises of Northfield were sung. God
For a number of years the editor has been desirous of putting into practical shape a booklet for daily meditation and prayer, using the names and titles, of our loving Lord. Three hundred and sixty-five names and , titles of the Wonderful One have. been selected and will be ready for the Christmas time. Under each name-will be a few words directing the thought to and fixing the heart upon Him, followed by a word of prayer. In these busy, days every one can have, in this book a vision of Christ whose person ality is visualized in such a marvelous manner in the Scriptures, and can take up the duties and privileges of the day in sweet fellowship with Him.
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