King's Business - 1961-10

to go back somewhere in their life to pull up a plant. I remember in the days when I was backslidden and not walking close to the Lord, I went into a restaurant in Pasadena, California. As I paid the cashier for my meal with a ten-dollar bill, she gave me change for a twenty-dollar bill. My first impulse was to give back that extra change, but a voice said, “ If that cashier is so dumb, she deserves to lose it.” I listened to that voice, and I found myself out on the sidewalk. Though I debated for a little while, I finally walked away with that ten- dollar bill that didn’t belong to me. Many months went by when one day in Seattle, Wash­ ington, I was down on my knees praying. I was hunger­ ing and thirsting after God and after righteousness. As I prayed, this ten-dollar bill came before my eyes. Right then I convenanted with the Lord that just as soon as I could I would settle that. A few months later, I came down to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to go to school, and went over to Pasadena. When I got to that restaurant it was closed. I asked a man in a cigar stand, “Where is Jack, the man who used to own this restau­ rant?” He said, “Well, he went broke.” One can imagine why he went broke! I said, “ By the way, I owe Jack some money. Where does he live?” He said, “ I don’t know, but he goes by here about once every three weeks, and if you’ll leave your name and address, I’ll give it to him and he can get in touch with you.” After two or three weeks, sure enough a letter came and Jack stated

in the letter that he was working as a chef in a restau­ rant in Los Angeles and that he would be glad to meet me any time, anywhere. So I went to the phone, called him up, and told him that I would be glad to meet him that night. About 6:30, he came down to 558 South Hope Street and met me in front of the Bible Institute. I took him up to the roof, gave him the money, and told him how I happened to owe it to him. He asked, “What made you do it?” When I explained, he said, “There are many men who owe me money, but you are the first one who has ever paid me back anything.” Again he said, “What made you do it?” I had a chance to witness to him about the Lord. Soon Jack and I were kneeling. He asked God for Christ’s sake to forgive his sins. Yes, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” The Word of God here declares, “ Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way.” Jack didn’t know that I owed him ten dollars, but the Lord knew and brought that ten-dollar bill in front of me. Friends, if there is anything that keeps you from praying, whether it is a plant, a ten-dollar bill, or any­ thing else, why don’t you surrender that to the Lord? Then, instead of just praying about it, go and do some­ thing about it, and I am sure that the Lord will bless you for doing what He by His Holy Spirit leads you to do. God bless you.

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