King's Business - 1961-10


"S IN G A B L E " CH R ISTM A S CANTATA S by JOHN W . PETERSON outstanding composer of cantatas (500,000 in print!) hymns and gospel songs. B O R N A K I N G

the newest Peterson cantata tells the drama­ tic story of the birth of the King of Kings with beautiful melody throughout. $1.25

*uUby ^re&rgd, it-. Pailm^y 1 l f l l h e ; j^ .eth < ?d i^ t( Benjamin Franklin once said, “ Give me 26 lead soldiers and I’ll conquer the world.” The lead soldiers are the 26 letters of the alphabet. Lead soldiers are amoral. They have no convictions, right or wrong. They march with equal eagerness u n d e r a Khrushchev or a Kennedy, un­ der a preacher or a dictator. They are willing to be placed on any fighting line. Let no one think these lead men are not soldiers, that they cannot fight. The printed word of truth is so dangerous to er­ ror that entire printing estab­ lishments that dared to publish truth have been confiscated. So lead soldiers are fighting lead soldiers the world over — in home and hovel and palace, on street, on the sea and in the air. Which army will be vic­ torious? Lead soldiers fighting for truth have an inherent ad­ vantage because man’s mind and conscience are predisposed to sanction truth, even though the will may choose to be led astray by error. But the lead soldiers fighting for truth are no stronger than their re­ sources. On home and world mission­ ary fronts we are beginning to realize that a prime need is for more literature, for better lit­ erature, for more attractively printed literature, of all sizes and varieties. Christians who care must send out many millions of lead soldiers of truth and send them out with ample supplies — words well chosen and attrac­ tively “ dressed.”

OTHER CHRISTMAS CANTATAS BY JOHN W. PETERSON N IGH T OF MIRACLES (more than 75,000 in print) ......................................$1.25 LOVE TRANSCENDING (more than 90,000 in print) ................................... 1.25 A SONG UNENDING (more than 50,000 in print) .......................................... 1.25 All arranged for S.A.T.B. moderately graded and within the capabilities of the average choir. Audition Kit available (includes record , cantata book , bulletin cover and postcard mailer) only $3.00 ORDER FROM YOUR BOOKSELLER ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE • Grand Rapids 6, Michigan

- ^ _ The air force is puzzled. They have many reports of flying A N GEL j objects that can be explained only by creatures from an- n w ** other realm. The Bible reveals several other realms of intelligent creatures besides man. Price 35 cents. Get 42 of Humberd's books for .................................................... $12.60 Send for catalogue— Add Postage HUMBERD PRESS. BOX K, FLORA, IND IANA

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FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold • . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

Volume 2 Includes. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands O Holy Night Beside the Still Waters Precious Lord, Take My Hand_ He’ll Understand and Say "Well Done’.’ The Saviour Can Solve Every Problem 6 x 9 Paper, each, 75c It’s in My Heart Nothing Between Wounded for Me 6 x 9 Paper, each, 75c ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE GRAND RAPIDS 6, M IC H IG A N " :<■ Volume 3 Includes: Have Faith in God If I Gained the World Jesus, Fairest of Ten Thousand

Volum e 1 Includes: M y God Is Real Let Me Be Worthy The Holy City Is He Satisfied? Peace in the Valley It Took a Miracle


6 x 9 Paper, each, 75c O R D E R F R O M Y O U R B O O K S E L L E R



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