King's Business - 1961-10

homiletical helps

The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. TH E CHRISTIAN'S WALK Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 I. The Nature of the Christian Life: “ Can two walk together . . .?” 1. The Christian life is a walk. a. Walking implies life. b. Note Genesis 17:1, Deuteronomy 13:4, Colossians 2:6, Revelation 3:4. 3. The Christian life is two walking together. a. This fellowship means reciprocal knowledge. b. It means reciprocal love. c. It means reciprocal endeavor. II. The Secret of the Christian Life: “ . . . except they be agreed?” (Hebrew— “ except they meet by ap­ pointment.” ) 1. The meeting at the mercy seat (Exodus 25:21) points to Calvary. 2. The meeting at the burnt offering (Exodus 29:42) points to consecra­ tion. 3. The meeting at the altar of incense (Exodus 30:35-36) paints to com­ munion. Shall we make an appointment with God? Shall we not keep the appointment we have made? — W. H. Griffith-Thomas W H A T TH E LAW COULD N O T DO What the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh. Romans 8:3 I. Certain Things the Law Can and Does Accomplish 1. The law expresses the mind of God. 2. The law declares the whole duty of man. 3. The law draws up an indictment against all who violate it 4. The law pronounces sentence upon us. II. What the Law Cannot Do 1. It cannot compel obedience. 2. It cannot ignore sin. 3. It cannot absolve from sin. 4. The law cannot save. You must take your choice, my friend. You must live either under the law or under grace. What the law could not do, God, sending His own Son, has done, “ that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us” (Romans 8:4). Let us beat upon our breast and make our plea, “God be merciful to me a sinner!” And He who is able to save even to the utter­ most will hear and answer us. —David James Burrell b. Walking implies activity. c. Walking implies progress. d. Walking implies destination. 2. The Christian life is a walk together. a. Our pilgrimage is a companion­ ship.

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