King's Business - 1961-10

book reviews

by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biota College


Testament evangelists, pulpit and lay evangelistic work, with closing chap­ ters on evangelistic preaching and methods of conserving the results of evangelism. “Holy Fire” is the real need of the church today, the author feels. With only 8% of America in the church services on Sunday mornings and 2% Sunday evenings (p. 13) there is need for the chronicling of American re­ ligious decline. The first task of the evangelist (apart from attention to himself) is the stirring up of other Christians. Only then can the evan­ gelistic message be preached with ef­ fect. Considerable stress is laid on the participation of church members themselves in visitation. This, coupled with good literature, cannot fail to bear fruit. However, the special evan­ gelistic service is not discounted in this book. A number of helpful hints are given for its successful use. There is a warm spirit about the book and considerable appeal to literature and anecdote. These messages were given as chapel lectures at Grand Rapids Baptist Theological Seminary. 220 pages; cloth; Regular Baptist Press, Chicago; no price given. Communist Tricks For Enslaving the World by Claude Bunzel Add now to the steady stream of anti-Communist literature this keen and succinct analysis of tihe machina­ tions of the international Communist criminal conspiracy (a term which more accurately describes Commu­ nism than any other). The .author has made a wide study of the methods and achievements of the socialistic program of Marx and Lenin as it is being worked out around the world, and the book is easy to read and is packed full of material. A consider­ able bibliography is included. 100 pages; paper; Twentieth Century Evangelism, Pasadena, Calif.; $1.50. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

Messiah: His Historical Appearance By David L. Cooper

“ Must” reading for every Christian concerned about the threat of Communism to the Gospel.

This is the fifth in the now famous Messianic series that began with The God of Israel (first published in 1945). The subject of this volume is ob­ vious from its title, but it really treats much more than that. Book One has to do with a historical and apologetic approach to the Gospels as the source of our knowledge of Jesus Christ. Book Two discusses the prophetic background of Messianic and Christ- ological truth, both Old and New Testaments. Dr. Cooper then goes on to deal with the problem of the life and teachings of Jesus. The last sec­ tion presents the Mosaic doctrine of blood atonement and associates Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with this atonement. Dr. Cooper recognizes the import­ ance of interpretation and devotes one chapter to what he calls “The Golden Rule of Interpretation,” from which we quote: “When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axioma­ tic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise” (p. 19). Out of the writings of Moses and the Old Testa­ ment prophets an outline of the chief characteristics and events concerning Christ is developed (pp. 55-57). Throughout, the Scriptures a r e given in Dr. Cooper’s own translation, upon which he has bestowed a great amount of labor. His version of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is a paraphrase, inter­ spersed with explanatory notes. The redemptive aspect of Christ’s ministry is, of course, explored fully. Indices of Scripture references and subject matter occupy thirty-one pages, xvi, 431 pages; Biblical Research Society, Los Angeles; $5.00. Evangelism:

SET OF 3 BOOKS Regular retail price $6.50, special

$ 5 7 5 (T his offer expires N ovem ber 30,1961)


“COME WIND, COME WEATHER” Leslie T . Lyall, a veteran of 22 years in China, documents the thrilling yet disturbing story of the church in Communist China today. R eg. price $2.00 2. LATIN AMERICA “EVANGELISM IN DEPTH” W ith Comm unist agitators pouring into these countries, it is encouraging to read the story of a God-blessed effort to saturate Nicaragua with the Gospel, as told by members of the Latin America Mission. R eg. price $2.25 3. AFRICA "MUFFLED DRUMBEATS IN THE CONGO” W illiam Deans, missionary to Congo for over 30 years, tells what led to the upheaval, of the long and perilous exodus from the ravaged land—and the light of hope! R eg. price $2.25 GET ALL THREE TO D A Y— SAVE 75c At Your Christian Bookstore MOODY PRESS • CHI CAGO 10 P U R I T A N R E P R I N T S New and Used Books Bible Truth Depot Swengel, Pa. Free catalog upon request One o f the saddest narratives on Convent Life ever written. No book like this in print! In "The Convent Horror" terrible facts taken from Official Records, reveal how beautiful Barbara Ubryk was locked in a small Nunnery Basement Dungeon twenty one years. The most terrible revelations ever recorded! Protestants awake! Order your copy of this amazing book to-day. Postpaid only $1.35. Edition limited. Gospel Books Dept. K B -10 Rowan, Iowa Free toWRITERS seeking a book publisher Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures tell how to publish your book, get 40% royalties, national advertising, publicity and promotion. Free edi­ torial appraisal. Write Dept. KB' Exposition Press, 386 ParkAve. N.Y. 16 "The Convent Horror" Story of Barbara Ubryk

The Church on Fire By Robert L. Sumner

Opening with a chapter on the des­ perate need for revival today, the author discusses the meaning of re­ vival, personal qualifications for New



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