King's Business - 1961-10

spiration to her own life, she was led to prepare the book “ Streams in the Desert” whch had a very limited dis­ tribution. The volume has since be­ come a classic with present sales run­ ning as high as 50,000 a year. Since the first book in 1924, Mrs. Cowman has written “ Springs in the Valley,” “ Consolation,” “Mountain Trailways for Youth,” “ Traveling To ward the Sunrise,” and “Handfuls oi Purpose.” Following her homegoing in 1960 to join her husband in the “ land of fadeless day,” Dr. B. H. Pearson, who was associated withThe Cowmans during their service with the Oriental Missionary Society, has written a profile of Mrs. Cowman’s life, “ The Vision Lives.” The new volume is now available from Cow­ man Publications, Los Angeles. actual thoughts and statements of Mr. Penney. There are some illustrations to further enliven the narrative. The practice of the golden rule is, of course, the chief emphasis of Mr. Penney’s religious experience as it ap­ plied to his business, but he was a man of strong faith and great works. This is one of a series of Junior Biog­ raphies by the same author. 89 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00.

The Vision Lives F r o m t e s t in g to triumph” aptly describes the manner in which the Lord led Mrs. Charles Cowman to write one of the largest selling de­ votional books today, “ Streams in the Desert.” In 1918 the Cowmans were forced to leave the Orient. Because of his illness, Mrs. Cowman spent every waking hour beside her husband’s bed. During the intervening years until 1924 when the missionary pio­ neer was called home, Mrs. Cowman collected writings and miscellaneous materials which had been a comfort and blessing to her. Knowing how God had brought in­ Here we have a charming biog­ raphy of the great merchant written for children. Many times they have asked what the secret of Mr. Penney’s success is. He is eager to share his philosophy of life and religious ex­ perience. The author arranges this by means of the conversational method in places, in which he fictionalizes slightly, but nevertheless works in the M r. Penney by Harry J. Albus

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