King's Business - 1961-10

• from • many • seas



by Dr. T. J. Bach

1. HOLY LAND 2. EUROPE Experienced tour planning, details handled by tour leader, lectures en route, outstanding sights, places o f special interest to Christians, fine fellowship, new friends, annual tour reunion, happy memories for a lifetime. Address: Dr. Joseph P. Free W H E A T O N T O U R S BOX 468 Dept. K101 W H EATON , ILLINOIS odneeds youngwomen intheOrient Who will win India, Pakistan, Japan—Christ, or Communism? 3. SOUTH AMERICA 4. SCENIC AMERICA Write today for FREE BULLETIN Specify which tour

EDITOR'S NOTE: We are privileged to begin In this issue of TH E KING'S BUSINESS a monthly column feature taken from the pen of Dr. T . J. Bach, formerly director of The Evangelical Alliance Mission, and a modern-day mission­ ary statemen. Dr. Edman's comments to begin this column speak for our entire staff. To know Dr. T. J. Bach is to know a man of God. He has many qualifi­ cations, arising out of native ability, wide experience, extensive travel, and spiritual insight, but preeminently he is a man of God. I am sure that I do not know any man who is more kind, more consid­ erate of others, more deeply inter­ ested in the welfare of others, and with deeper insight into the Scrip­ tures. We have met on many occa­ sions and under different circum­ stances — on the platform of some large metropolitan church or Bible conference, or on a street corner, or a train. Always, without fail, he has had a choice word from heaven for my heart; and 1 have gone onward, strengthened by the fellowship and wisdom of this man of God. He has the faculty of saying a great deal in a very little sentence. I am delighted to learn that these bits Of heavenly wisdom have been preserved for us in black and white. You will be stronger and wiser in the Lord for having read them! V. R. Edman, President Action Our words may hide our thoughts, but our actions will re­ veal them. Thoughts that are constant will eventually become action; action becomes character, and character becomes our destiny. We must not only have faith in God, but also faith in action for God. We must not only make a declaration of faith; we must also put that declaration into constant action. To be active in work for God is one thing, but to be effective in that work is quite another thing. It is one thing to be a confer­ ence delegate and be voted in as a member of the resolutions com­ mittee, to form resolutions and to make recommendations. It is an­ other thing to go home and face the realities and have those reso­ lutions translated into action. Wheaton College Wheaton, Illinois

SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE S T A N D A R D P U B L I S H I C i n c i n n a t i 31, O h i o KB-1061

Young women are urgently needed for our hospitals, Bible training schools, orphanage, high school, res­ cue home in these strategic lands. D o cto rs, nurses, teach ers, evan gelists —this may be God’s call to you. W U M S N OW OBSERVING 100TH AN N IVER SAR Y of undenominational, evangelical Christian ministry to neg­ lected women of the Orient. Write for information and literature. Woman's Union Missionary Society 156 Fifth Avenue New York 10, N. Y. BEHIND TH E SKYSCRAPERS A documentary vividly portraying Skid Row, U.S.A. Striking musical background by Win Stracke including 14 original songs that tell the alcoholic’s story. Jack Mabley, feature writer, says, “ The most dramatic shots I have ever seen on film and some­ what terrifying because they are truth.’’ 16mm sound film, 28 minutes. Color $175; black and white $100. Write today! N A TIO N A L W CTU Dept. KB 1730 Chicago Ave. Evanston, III. HO. 9-5883 HO. 9-5883

TH E LITTLE G IA N T H O TOM ATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE G IA N T MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas


Were sold in 1958 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y.

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USE and GIVE SUPERINTENDENTS GUIDE A LL NEW FOR 1961 The only complete single volume covering a whole year. Leader guidance ma­ terial — program helps — order o f service — desk

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PHIL KERR'S "MUS IC IN EVANGELISM" Two books in one: a history of Gos­ pel Music, plus many stories of famous hymns and their writers. 216 pages, cloth $ 1 .5 0 Phil Kerr's Gospel Songs - 50 cepts Box 409, Glendale, California

lesson material — pages for records and other aids. Comments based on Interna­ tional Sunday School Lessons — not a commentary. Sire 3% x 5 % , 96 pages, 85c. ORDER FROM DEPT. KSG-61 AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.



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