King's Business - 1961-10

Supervising the preparation of meals in the kitchen, Miss Sundquist is often concerned about the supply of rice and other commodities of food for the children. Nothing is wasted where starvation is prevalent. Each child has his bowl, and each bowl has its rice. Miss Sundquist takes care o f the serving and is anxious to make certain that every youngster is properly cared for.

Miss Ruth Sundquist, director o f the Evangel Childrens Home in Hong Kong, teaching some of her orphanage children of God’s love and grace. The work is supported through gifts o f listeners to " The Morn- ing Chapel Hour.” The program, directed by the popular radio personal­ ity, Rev. Wilbur Nelson, has the orphanage in Hong Kong as a special missionary project. Before bedtime, after tummies have been filled with rice, hearts are brought the story of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Always a favorite time of the day for the boys and girls, the same Bible charac­ ters appeal to these children as they do to ours here in America.

Looking to the site for the new Evangel Children’s Home, one can see the wisdom of Miss Sundquist in selecting a site which will have a definite ministry among the deprived people of Hong Kong. In the foreground are some of the familiar squatters’ homes.


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