King's Business - 1961-10

ness in governmental positions, clearance of the slums of our large cities, putting an end to capital punishment, curb­ ing materialism, the problem of automation which is forcing more and more individuals into unemployment, the labor- management situation, etc. All of this could add up to a com­ plete collapse of the real purpose of the church's existence, which is the preaching of the Gospel. One is appalled at the utter ignorance of or disregard for the Word of God and the great truths which are to be found therein. A few generations ago, Christian leaders allowed hereti­ cal doctrines to be sounded at will in the theological semi­ nary classrooms, under the guise of Christian forebear— anee. Thus, deniers of the faith were privileged to teach their devilish heresies. Sound, faithful church leaders shouted from the housetops words of warning and poured out impassioned pleas to the churches not to allow such heresies to be taught. But their voices were silenced with accusa­ tions of "heresy hunters", "uncharitable", "un-Christ like", and the doctrinal deviates were encouraged to teach what they believed. At that time the wind was sown; now we are reaping the whirlwind. Instead of Bible-believing Christian leaders winning the false religious leaders by love, they themselves were overwhelmed. Now it is they whose voice is silenced and the very fountainheads of Chris­ tian doctrine and leadership have been completely polluted. The only things young men in many seminaries are taught have to do with racial integration, world peace, payola, and slum clearance. Of themselves, all of these are worthy causes and all rightminded individuals are in favor of them. But the tragedy is that this social program is all these ministers-to-be know. They have no comprehension of the preaching of the Gospel. The central doctrine of Chris­ tianity, namely salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, or the doctrine of atonement, are not even men­ tioned by those interviewed in this survey. The authority of the Word of God is quite foreign to their thinking, and only two percent of the men interviewed were admittedly interested in the subject of "original sin." No doubt there are many of you who read this article who become quite disturbed at the conditions in the church at large, and well you might. You ask yourself the question, "But what can I do?" May I say that there are three things you can do: (1) You can pray. The church of Jesus Christ needs the prayers of real saints in its behalf more than ever before, (2) You can stop supporting liberal churches, seminaries and causes— either denominational or otherwise — both at home and abroad, and (3) You can give or increase your attendance and giving to churches and schools which are standing for the truth, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ and making every possible effort to indoctrinate the young people of today in the great truths of our blessed faith. If God's people everywhere would see to it that not one penny of theirs gets into modernistic, Christ-denying programs, churches and schools true to the Word of God would increase their facilities for training ministers and missionaries. Thus together we will be able to do our part in stemming this devastating tide of ration­ alistic unbelief which is sweeping over this beloved land of ours. May God help us, every one, to be faithful to the task to which He has called us. This indication of apostasy among our future ministers is but another shadow of the coming antichrist and the world church to be established after the Lord takes us to be with Himself.


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