2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program


Horn Ensembles Concert #1 (MCPAPH)

“Master of Padawan” University of Louisiana, Lafayette Dr. Catherine Roche-Wallace, Director

Chorale and Ceremony

James Naigus (b. 1987) Paul Basler (b. 1963)

Three Pieces for Four Horns Psalm Celebration

Long I Stood with guests from Arkansas State University

James Naigus (b. 1987)

UL Lafayette Horn Choir A. Green, Edge Palm, Andrea Rivera (ULL ’20), Grant Roper, Harrison Young with Jaden Berry (A-State ’23), Harrison Bruner (A-State ’22), Landon Wiley (A-State)

Stephen F. Austin State University Dr. Andrea Denis, Director

Fanfare for London

Randall E. Faust (b. 1947)

Cantos No. 2

Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)

I. Canzon Per Sonar Primi Toni

Hornplayers’ Retreat and Pumping Song

David Stanhope (b. 1952)

SFA Horn Choir Raymond Garcia, Isaac George, Will Hansard, Daniel Hyltin, Bryce Lehman, Macy Mashburn, Makenzie Paul, Ethan Williams


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