2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

Dear Horn Friends,

On behalf of myself and the Oklahoma State University horn studio, I would like to welcome you all to Stillwater and the beautiful McKnight Center for the Performing Arts. After being promoted to full professor last year, I made changes and decisions based on what I wanted to do and hosting this workshop was at the top of the list.

I wanted to host a horn party as a “thank you” to a region who has supported me and helped me become the teacher and colleague I am today. As I saw registrations come in, I was reminded that the support goes far beyond this region and I was inspired by the clinic topics, the amazing representation in programming, and the willingness of all the contributing artists to participate. I want to take this opportunity to say a special Thank You to the featured artists who make up this weekend’s line-up. I had a big vision and as I received their recital programs, it became even bigger and better than I imagined. Representation matters and I did what I did on purpose. I know you will all agree that it is a privilege to see and hear our featured artists who will undoubtedly blow your minds and touch your hearts. I am so proud to be a member of the horn community and I am happy to have had the chance to share this time with you all. Please let me or any one of my students know if you have any questions and I hope you all have a wonderful workshop!


Lanette López Compton Professor of Horn Oklahoma State University

Dear Horn Friends,


On behalf of the myself and the Oklahoma State University horn you all to Stillwater and the beautiful McKnight Center for the P promoted to full professor last year, I made changes and decisio and hosting this workshop was at the top of the list. I wanted to

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