2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program


FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Michael Mikulka “Getting Started with Multiphonics” (GSM 319) Playing multiphonics on horn might seem intimidating, but just like stopped horn, lip trills, and other extended techniques, they are not only achievable by most players, but with enough practice, they will eventually feel natural. Topics addressed/ demonstrated in this lecture will include: - How to put yourself in an environment where your first multiphonics will be easier to play - A step by step guide to playing your first multiphonic - How to tune and balance multiphonics - How to start (and end) the singing+playing at the same time - Basic exercises to improve stability, fluidity, and intonation - Understanding the math and acoustics involved in multiphonics - Assorted quirks, tricks, and new extended techniques Eric Morin “Georges Barboteu’s “Saison pour cor et piano” and “Astral”: A Case Study in Teaching Philosophy” (GSM 301) This presentation is a discussion of the musical life and career of Georges Barboteu, the noted teacher of the Paris Conservatoire. The varied musical accomplishments and experiences of Barboteu, not limited to the realm of the orchestra, represent a through line in not only his compositional output, namely “Astral” and “Saisons”, but also in his writings on teaching.



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