2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

Tyler H. Goodwin-Souffront “Building Your First Studio.” (GSM 301)

An educational tool for first-time studio creators for students ranging from beginners to adults. In this workshop, participants will learn the necessary tools when building educational repertoire, contracts, payment and taxes, communication, website building, and more!

Mike Simpson “Come to a JazzHorn Jam!” (GSM 319)


You will get the opportunity to play in a Horn-players-only Jazz ensemble. We’ll take on some Jazz standards and try out some ways to improvise on the horn. Experience that “never the same way twice” music that IS Jazz and have some fun no matter what your level. Josh Hannon “Trailhead: Student Success through Refined Pedagogical Approaches in Private Teaching” (GSM 301) This presentation will discuss how to build and maintain a happy and healthy private teaching studio. For those that truly wish to seek out teaching opportunities, finding ways to recruit, working with technology, and connecting with students can present many challenges. A Trailhead is the point at which a trail, a path, a new journey begins. As you start your journey with a new student, small changes in your approach can make a significant impact on their journey with the horn. This presentation will focus on refinement of approach and art of teaching. Teachers will often ask how can I get started? Who do I contact and how do I contact them? What resources do I use in lessons? How can my teaching be better? How can I connect with my students? By making small changes in our approach, we can create happier and healthy teaching studios.


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