2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

Matthew Meadows “Practicing... it isn’t always a finite event.” (GSM 319) This session is a lecture/discussion on my own personal methods to break up the monotony of the practice room. Variety in rehearsal spaces, resources in which we use to practice, and the mindset towards what we want to achieve during our practice are the main points in this session. Ashlyn & Curtis Simmons “Mental Health for Musicians: Promoting Self-Care & Preventing Burnout.” (GSM 301) This clinic will delve into specific mental health challenges that musicians face. We will identify specific methods to reduce emotional vulnerability, reduce shame, and discuss ways to foster a healthy music environment where creativity and musicianship can flourish.



Elizabeth Ando “Orchestral Excerpts from Works by Women Composers” (GSM 319)


This presentation will be about horn excerpts in orchestral works by women composers including Alice Mary Smith, Augusta Holmès, Amy Beach, and Ethel Smyth. Music by women composers has been historically erased, and this is part of an effort to increase representation of these composers in our repertoire. These selected sections would work well as audition excerpts to assess a player’s abilities on the horn. The format will include the background of the composer and the piece, a listening, and the playing of each excerpt.


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