2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

Alexis Sczepanik “Surgery, Rest and Recovery: a guide to getting back into horn playing after major surgery.” (GSM 301) My personal story involves recovering from major abdominal/ gynecologic surgery. Before the surgery, I was, like many others, dismissed by multiple doctors that anything was wrong. This presentation serves to educate on your rights as a patient, learn how to advocate for yourself with your doctors, and discuss the road to recovery and playing after a major medical procedure. Alberto Suarez “Creating Spontaneous Uniqueness in your playing for Professional Auditions” (GSM 319) I will focus on how to have audition success by taking control of some of the issues that arise during an audition. How to stand out and impress the Audition Committee and Music Director to guarantee a positive result.


Rusty Holmes “How to Low Horn” (GSM 301)

Bring your horns!

In this session, Dr. Rusty Holmes will dive into all the tips and tricks to beef up your low range. Participants will have a better understanding of tone production in the lower register and will walk away with many exercises to work on their low range at home.


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