2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

March 22, 2024

It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the Mid-South Horn Workshop 2024, hosted by the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music at Oklahoma State University. We are delighted you could join us for what promises to be an impactful few days of music making, collaboration, and learning.

Your host, Prof. Lanette López-Compton, has created an exciting program of outstanding guest artist performances and clinics, along with networking opportunities that can lead to exciting future collaborations. You will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibit area where you can explore new horn music and recordings. On behalf of the Greenwood School of Music, thank you for joining us at the beautiful McKnight Center for the Performing Arts and for being a part of this year’s event. We are thrilled to have you on campus, and if there is anything we can do to make your experience more enjoyable, do not hesitate to let us know.


Dr. Lucia Unrau, NCTM Director, Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music

Dear Horn Friends,


On behalf of the myself and the Oklahoma State University horn you all to Stillwater and the beautiful McKnight Center for the Pe promoted to full professor last year, I made changes and decision

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