2024 Mid South Horn Workshop Program

BrentearnedhisB.M.inEducationfromtheCraneSchoolofMusicat S.U.N.Y. Potsdam, the M.M. in Horn Performance and Pedagogy from Northern Illinois University, and D.M.A. at the University of Illinois. He serves on the Board of Advisors for the International Horn Competition of America and is a regular adjudicator for several competitions. Brent also serves the International Horn Society as Regional Workshop Coordinator. He is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music with Music Teachers National Association. Dr. Shires is an invited featured artist around the world. Appearances in the past year include his première performance of “Voices of Taiwan”: a newly-commissioned work by Chia-lin Pan and playing with the NUCORNO Jazz at the 55th International Horn Symposium in Montréal, Canada; adjudicating the Bolivian National Solo Competition; playing Guest Principal Horn with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; and giving masterclasses in Cochabamba, Bolivia at San Simón Mayor University and Instituto Eduardo Laredo. Alexander Shuhan Alexander Shuhan , Professor of Horn, joined the Ithaca College faculty in 1998. He is currently principal horn of the Binghamton Philharmonic Orchestra and the Fort Smith (AR) Symphony Orchestra, and was principal horn of the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra from 2000–2010. His group, the Shuhan-Luk Trio, has performed music for flute, horn and piano in concerts throughout the U.S. and has been featured at International Horn Symposium and National Flute Association conventions. He has taught on the faculty of the Sewanee Summer Music Festival, the Ithaca College Summer Music Academy and served as Valade Instructor of Horn at the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp. He performs frequently with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and has played with the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, the Skaneateles Chamber Music Festival and the Northeast Pennsylvania Philharmonic. As a founding member (1993), hornist, pianist and composer of Rhythm & Brass, he has performed extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Japan and the Middle East.


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