2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book

CAST 2024


CAREX X Moon Falls™

NEW for 2024 PP# 35,022

Carex x Moon Falls™ is a stunning new variety from the same breeder who brought you the popular Feather Falls and Ribbon Falls. This latest offering is set to make waves in the horticulture industry, with its impressive size and rapid growth rate. Moon Falls™ bears a striking resemblance to the much-admired Carex Evergold, so we have nicknamed it Carex Evergold XXL, but it’s more than just a larger version. It surpasses its predecessor not only in size but also in growth speed, making it a game changer for growers. Moon Falls™ features an elegant, arching habit and variegated foliage. Its lush green leaves, accented with bright yellow stripes down the center, create an eye-catching contrast that enhances any landscape or container.

12-18" H x 18-24" W 128, 72 & 32 Cell Full Sun to Shade USDA Zones 5-9

CAREX X Ribbon Falls™

PP# 29,950

Carex x Ribbon Falls™ is the green version of the super vigorous Feather Falls so you can expect the same vigor and plant performance. Ribbon Falls™ will do well in hot and cold climates and can be planted in shade to full sun. Great in containers but also a great item for the landscape.

12-18" H x 18-24" W

128, 72 & 32 Cell

Full Sun to Shade

USDA Zones 5-9

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