2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book

CAST 2024


SEMPERVIVUM COLOROCKZ ™ Emerald Swirl NEW for 2025 PPAF Compact habit, good pupping with green foliage and purple tips. This foliage coloration gives the overall plant a geometric look.

4” H x 6” W

50 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 4-9

SEMPERVIVUM COLOROCKZ ™ Lemon Flare NEW for 2025 PPAF Lemon Flare has large rosettes on a compact habit, yet still very well-branched. This new variety is a delight for the senses with its distinct color that shifts with the changing seasons. In the spring, you’ll witness an uplifting yellow hue with a red center. When the temperatures warm and the days lengthen Lemon Flare transforms to pure yellow in the summer. Finally, as the days slow and the weather cools another transformation is witnessed, this time to lime green with a hint of webbing. This dramatic color shift creates a captivating visual spectacle year-round.

4" H x 6" W

50 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 4-9

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