2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book

CAST 2024





NEW for 2025 PPAF

Coprosma Eclipse has striking glossy dark purple leaves, accentuated by vivid pink edges, making this evergreen Coprosma an undeniable showstopper. Eclipse boasts impressive resistance to common diseases and exhibits an upright, compact growth pattern. Perfectly suited for containers, it’s an ideal choice for terraces, balconies, and patios, Eclipse is sure to infuse a dash of elegance into any outdoor space.

30-36" H x 20-24" W

128 Cell

Full Sun to Partial Shade

USDA Zones 9-10

OLEARIA Spring Bling

NEW for 2025

This stunning evergreen shrub is renowned for its profusion of white, daisy-like flowers which bring a burst of spring cheer to any landscape. The foliage is dense, dark-green and highly aromatic providing a striking contrast to its delicate blossoms, as well as being resistant to deer and other critters in the garden. Olearia Spring Bling thrives in full sun and adapts well to various soil conditions. It’s a robust performer that withstands coastal conditions and wind, making it a versatile choice for diverse landscapes.

5' H x 5' W

128 & 72 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 8-10

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