2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book



SENECIO Angel Wings

PP# 28,830

Senecio Angel Wings is adorned with silky, silver-white leaves and can be used outside or inside. This is a great plant to use as a stand alone or in combos. One of the key benefits of the Senecio Angel Wings is its rapid growth rate and its tolerance to difficult conditions. Notably, it is both drought and salt tolerant, making it a great choice for various environments.

10-12" H x 12-24" W

72 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 7-10

SENECIO Skyscraper ®

PP# 22,188 Senecio Skyscraper ® is a strong, upright grower, reaching 2-3' in one growing season. It is water-wise with year-round interest and requires full sun to part shade and pruning as needed. No staking or support is necessary, making Skyscraper a fabulous new structural component for succulent gardens, this plant is exclusive to the Sunset Plant Collection.

24-36" H x 20-24" W

72 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 10-11

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