2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book

CAST 2024





LOMANDRA Arctic Frost™

PP# 33,431 A variegated variety of Lomandra with an upright growth habit and striking white variegation on gray-green foliage. Once established, Arctic Frost™ requires very little water making it great in low water use areas. Also available in the Sunset Plant Collection. 18-24" H x 24-36" W 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 8-10 PP# 33,984 A new bright chartreuse colored Lomandra with a slightly arching habit. The golden color becomes more intense when in full sun. When grown in a bit more shade the color appears more lime-green. Great for water-wise gardens. 18-20" H x 18-20" W 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 8-10 LOMANDRA Miner’s Gold™ NEW for 2025 PPAF This new variety boasts extra-large, intense red flowers that instantly become the star of any landscape. Red Rumble is not your typical Oriental Poppy, unlike other varieties that tend to get leggy and floppy, this plant stands tall and firm with its strong, upright flower stems. Red Rumble shows very little disease and because it is from tissue culture, plants are healthy from the start vs bareroot varieties which tend to suffer from disease in the stock. 24-30" H x 18-24" W 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 4-7 PAPAVER ORIENTALE Red Rumble

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