2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book




ARMERIA DREAMERIA ® Hypnotic Dreams PPAF The newest color addition to the Dreameria series with rich ruby red flowers. The Dreameria series offer frost to frost blooming unlike other Armeria varieties on the market which are strictly early spring and fall blooming. 10-12" H x 10-12" W 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 5-9 LAVANDULA STOECHAS VARIETIES NEW PPAF Anouk Burgundy Breakthrough burgundy flags. Doublescape Dramatic double flags. Royal Anouk

Lovely lavender flags. 14-18" H x 12-14" W

128, 72 and 32 Cell

Full Sun

USDA Zones 6-9

PHLOX SPRING SPLASH ™ SERIES Lilac, Pink and Violet PPAF A new hybrid series of Phlox that blooms after subulatas but before divaricata. The habit is low and mounding, these should be fall planted for best bloom. 6-8" H x 11-18" W 162, 128 and 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 4-8

SAXIFRAGA MARTO ™ SERIES Hot Rose, Red, Red Picotee, Rose PPAF

An early season perennial with a long bloom window, from March through June. Great cold tolerance to withstand any early season frosts. Plant in fall to vernalize for best bloom. 4-6" H x 5-7" W 128 and 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 4-9

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