2024 PP&L Spring Trials Field Book

CAST 2024



ABELIA SUNTASTIC ® PP# 34,885 Unique warm apricot variegated foliage. Foliage color is strongest in the cooler winter months. The new foliage is warm yellow and green. 3' H x 5' W 72 and 32 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 6-11 Peach ABELIA SUNTASTIC ® PP# 34,886 Unique hot flamingo pink and white variegated foliage. Foliage color is strongest in the cooler winter months. The new foliage is blush pink medium green with creamy yellow margins. 3' H x 5' W 72 and 32 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 6-11 Pink COSMOS Cherry Chocolate PPAF A new Cosmos with extra-large chocolate scented flowers in a break-through cherry to wine color. Cherry Chocolate will bloom continuously for up to 5 months from summer through fall. 12-24" H x 12-24" W 128 and 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 9-10


NEW for 2024-2025

Cranberry, Orange, Sunrise PPAF The Vibe series is a jamensis cross so stems are more flexible meaning less breakage at ship. This series has a tight, compact rounded habit 20-24" H x 20-24" W 128 and 72 Cell Full Sun USDA Zones 7-9

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