RC 2022-2023 ISSUES

Let’s Talk Trash! MAY / JUNE 2023 ©2022 -2023 The Keenan Group, Inc


myfmbank .com

Quick Cookie Sundaes

says, “Be Intentional”

Source: davidhorsager.com/five-ways-to-build-your-character/, huffpost.com/entry/teach-kids-accountability DARE TO D.A.R.E.!

Source: https://bestfriendsforfrosting.com/summer-snacks-for-kids/


Now that all of the TCAP tests are behind you and summer break is just around the corner you can finally relax. Have you thought about your summer plans? This would be a great time to see some new things and places. When I was about your age I toured the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas; WOW! what an experience!

If you have the opportunity to travel and see new things, you should do it. These places and experiences will create memories that will last a lifetime. The world is full of places to go and see. So where will you go for your adventure this summer? Be Kind, be safe, and be responsible.

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