Air Serbia inflight magazine
LET BALL SEASON BEGIN Balska sezona može da počne
BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije
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Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
January 2025
Januar 2025.
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
JANUAR JE MESEC NOVIH POČETAKA i prilika za osvrt na sve ono što smo zajedno postigli. Prethodna 2024. godina bila je za Er Srbiju izuzetno uspešna. Beležili smo rekorde u broju prevezenih putnika, dalje širili mrežu de- stinacija i unapređivali usluge kako bismo vam pruži- li najbolje moguće iskustvo. Ipak, svaka godina je prilika da budemo bolji, ambiciozniji i da ostvarimo još značaj- nije rezultate. Januar je i mesec praznične radosti. Tokom Božića, Svetog Stefana, Bogojavljenja i drugih važnih dana koji se obeležavaju tokom tog meseca u Srbiji, svi težimo da budemo bliže porodici i prijateljima. Mi smo tu da vam omogućimo da do njih stignete brzo i sa osmehom na licu. Naša misija ostaje nepromenjena, da vaše putovanje učinimo prijatnim i jednostavnim, bilo da je u pitanju povratak kući ili otkrivanje novih destinacija. Januar 2025. godine donosi i jedan poseban trenutak za našu kompaniju – uspostavljanje direktne avio-linije između Beograda i Šangaja. Do tog izuzetnog grada, koji odlikuje neprevaziđeni spoj tradicije i savremene kulture, letećemo dva puta nedeljno avionima tipa „erbas A330-200“ iz dugolinijske flote naše kompanije. Ponosni smo što već na samom početku 2025. godine mrežu destinacija širimo jednim od najvažnijih svetskih centara. Predlažemo vam da inspiraciju za naredna putovanja pronađete na našem sajtu. Mi smo u ovom broju magazina „Elevejt“ posebnu pažnju posvetili Beču, gradu poznatom po jedinstvenoj umetničkoj sceni, impresivnoj arhitekturi i bliskim vezama sa Srbijom. Beč nije samo simbol kulture već i mesto gde srpska zajednica decenijama gradi mostove prijateljstva i saradnje. Ako još niste, preporučujemo da ga posetite i prepustite se njegovim čarima. Neka vam 2025. godina bude ispunjena zdravljem, srećom, uspesima i, naravno, putovanjima, a mi ćemo se potruditi da i u njoj opravdavamo poverenje koje nam pružate.
JANUARY IS BOTH A MONTH OF NEW BEGINNINGS and an opportunity to reflect on everything we’ve achie- ved together. The past year was an extremely successful one for Air Serbia. We carried a record number of pas- sengers in 2024, further expanded our network of desti- nations and enhanced our services to provide you with the best possible experience. However, every new year also presents a chance to be better and more ambitious, and to achieve even greater results. January is also a month of festive joy. During Orthodox Christmas, St. Stephen’s Day, the Epiphany and other important occasions celebrated in Serbia during this month, we all strive to be closer to family and friends. We are here to ensure you can reach them quickly and with a smile on your face. Our mission remains unchanged: to make your journey pleasant and seamless, whether it’s a return home or the discovery of new destinations. January 2025 brings a special moment for our company with the launch of Air Serbia’s direct service between Belgrade and Shanghai. We will operate two flights a week to this extraordinary city that’s renowned for its unparalleled fusion of tradition and modern culture, using the Airbus A330-200 aircraft from our long-haul fleet. We are proud to be expanding our destinations network to include one of the world’s most significant hubs at the very start of 2025. We suggest that you find inspiration for your upcoming journeys on our website. In this issue of Elevate, we’ve dedicated special attention to Vienna, a city known for its unique artistic scene, impressive architecture and close ties with Serbia. Vienna isn’t only a symbol of culture, but also a place where the Serbian community has been building bridges of friendship and cooperation for decades. If you haven’t visited it yet, we highly recommend experiencing its charm for yourself. May 2025 bring you health, happiness, success and, of course, travel. We will do our best to continue to justify the trust you’ve placed in us.
Jirži Marek Jiri Marek
Srećan put i ugodan let,
Have a nice trip and a pleasant flight.
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5
Proširenje mreže u letnjoj sezoni 2025: Tri nove destinacije Er Srbije / Destination network expanding for 2025 summer season: three new Air Serbia destinations Er Srbija među 10 najboljih avio-kompanija na svetu / Air Serbia ranked among world’s 10 best airlines
Er Srbija proglašena za najbolju avio-kompaniju u Istočnoj Evropi / Air Serbia declared best airline in Eastern Europe
Klajv Oven, glumac: Doslovno sam se udavio u Bogartu / Clive Owen: I kinda drowned in Bogart
Vodimo vas u Beč / We’re taking you to Vienna
Od rok scene do umetničkog platna: U glavi i duši Robija Vilijamsa / From the rock stage to an art canvas: in the mind and soul of Robbie Williams Magična, zlatasta čarolija: U gostima kod Gustava Klimta / Magical, golden enchantment: visiting Gustav Klimt „Dina: Proročanstvo“: Gde je epidural za agoniju? / Dune: Prophecy: where’s the epidural for agony?
Krupnim koracima u 2025: Budite mačke u čizmama / Great strides in 2025: be a puss in boots
6 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 90 Srpske planine: Nek je sneg dobar, a sunce visoko / Serbian mountains: may the snow be good, and the sun high
Posetite prelepe beogradske crkve / Visit Belgrade’s beautiful churches
Bečki Svetosavski bal: Srpski kadril u carskoj palati / Vienna St. Sava
Ball: serbian quadrille dance in the imperial palace 100. Opet zvone zvona Notr- Dama / The bells of Notre-Dame toll again
Hristos se rodi: Slavimo najradosniji hrišćanski praznik / Christ is born: we’re celebrating the most joyful Christian holiday
Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica
Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
Air Serbia inflight magazine
Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
LET BALL SEASON BEGIN Balska sezona može da počne
Broj / Issue No. 371 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia
Sa Štrausom na Dunavu / With Strauss on the Danube Foto/ Photo: Profimedia
Contents » Sadržaj | 7
Na 30 minuta od aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ prema Zagrebu nalazi se NAVAK prva namenska auto- moto staza u Srbiji i centar za bezbednu vožnju i napredne edukacije vozača / Located per just a 30-minute highway drive from Nikola Tesla Airport in the direction of Zagreb is NAVAK, the first dedicated motor racing circuit in Serbia for safe driving and advanced driver training
Bez obzira na to da li je reč o vozaču početniku ili o profesio- nalcu koji se priprema za takmičenja najvišeg ranga, ovaj kom- pleks pruža idealne uslove. Centar NAVAK je osmišljen da pru- ži najšire mogućnosti svim vozačima koji upravljaju motociklom, automobilom ili kamionom, da na bezbedan način pri realnim br- zinama iskuse gde su njihove sopstvene granice, kao i limiti sa- mog vozila. Centar NAVAK, zavisno od vrste edukacije i programa koji se organizuje, može da pruži najrazličitije konfiguracije staze dužine sve do četiri kilometra, koliko ukupno ima najduži krug sa 23 krivi- ne, sa prosečnom brzinom jednog kruga od čak 160 km/h. Zbog mogućnosti da u svoju glavnu halu primi vozila bilo koje mase i bilo kojih dimenzija i da direktno sa statične prezentacije ta ista vozila pošalje na stazu, a zatim ih vrati ponovo na prezentaci- ju, NAVAK se sa svojom stazom i svim pratećim objektima odavno postavio kao „one stop shop“ u kome korisnici od kongresne hale preko učionica i simulator sale imaju već obezbeđene sve tehnič- ke resurse, od rasvete, najmodernijih ekrana, pa sve do elemena- ta kao što su benzinska stanica, punjači za električna vozila, servi- sna i vulkanizerska radionica i tako redom.
Whether you’re a novice driver or a professional preparing to compete at the highest level, this complex provides ideal conditi- ons. The NAVAK Centre has been designed to provide maximum possibilities to all drivers of motorcycles, cars or trucks, enabling them to test their limits, and those of their vehicle, in a safe way and at realistic speeds. Depending on the type of training and the programme being organised, the NAVAK Centre is able to offer the most varied cir- cuit configurations over a distance of up to four kilometres, whi- ch is the length of the longest circuit that has a total of 23 curves and an average lap speed of as high as 160 km/h. Thanks to the possibility of receiving vehicles of any weight and dimensions in its main presentation hall, and the ability to transport those same vehicles from the presentation hall dire- ctly to and from the track, NAVAK has – with its racetrack and all accompanying facilities – long established itself as a “one-stop shop”, where all technical resources are secured for users of the congress hall, classrooms and simulator hall – from lighting and the most modern screens, to elements like filling stations, electric vehicle chargers, mechanics service and tyre workshops etc.
Izbor najboljih O kvalitetu objekta kao što je centar NAVAK sve- doči i to da je ovde godinama obavljan razvoj poje- dinih novih automobila i njihovih sistema. Recimo, najbrži električni automobil na svetu, rimac „ne- vera“, svoje prototipske dane provodila je u centru NAVAK gde je činila prve korake dugo pre nego što je svet saznao za njeno postojanje. Takođe, na ovoj stazi obavljana su ispitivanja sistema autonomne vožnje kao i deo razvoja softvera za praćenje po- našanja vozača. SELECTING THE BEST Testifying to the quality of the NAVAK Centre as a fa- cility is the fact that the development of individual new cars and their systems has been carried out here for years. For instance, the world’s fastest all-electric sports car, Rimac Nevera, spent its prototype days at the NAVAK Centre, where it took its first laps long be- fore the world even knew of its existence. This track has also been used to test autonomous, self-driving systems and for part of the development of software for driver behaviour monitoring systems.
8 | Promo » Promo
U fokusu
In focus
NAGRADA ČASOPISA GLOBAL TRAVELER ER SRBIJA PROGLAŠENA ZA NAJBOLJU AVIO-KOMPANIJU U ISTOČNOJ EVROPI Na osnovu rezultata ankete prestižnog američkog magazina „Global Traveler“, koji objavljuje novosti, recenzije i vodiče za putovanja poslovnih putnika, srpska avio-kompanija proglašena je za Najbolju u Istočnoj Evropi
ji za svoje letove biraju Er Srbiju. Ovo priznanje nas takođe stavlja na glo- balnu scenu kada je reč o avio-sa- obraćaju i inspiriše nas na uvođenje novih standarda u regionu i šire – izjavio je Jirži Marek, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije. On je istakao da je Er Srbija po- nosni ambasador svoje zemlje u ce- lom svetu i da Srbiju predstavlja na najbolji mogući način. - Nedavno smo uvršteni u ATW Kuću slavnih, rame uz rame sa naj- prestižnijim avio-kompanijama sveta, a sada su nas čitaoci maga- zina Global Traveler prepoznali kao najbolju avio-kompaniju u Istoč- noj Evropi. Sva dostignuća ostva- rili smo zahvaljujući našem timu posvećenih profesionalaca, ko- ji svakodnevno rade na unapređe- nju kvaliteta usluge i iskustva naših putnika. Nastavićemo sa postav- ljanjem visokih ciljeva i usavršava- njem svih segmenata poslovanja“, izjavio je Jirži Marek prilikom preu- zimanja nagrade.
ANKETA MAGAZINA „GLOBAL TRAVELER“ smatra se pouzda- nim merilom izvrsnosti u saobraćaj- noj industriji, a poslovni putnici ko- ji često lete biznis klasom pozvani su da izaberu najbolje avio-kompa- nije u nekoliko kategorija. To prizna- nje zasnovano je na rezultatima an- kete realizovane u periodu od 13. decembra 2023. do 31. avgusta 2024. godine u kojoj je učestvova- lo više od 20.000 ispitanika. Dobit- nici priznanja su zvanično objavlje- ni u decembarskom broju časopisa „Global Traveler“, a ceremonija uru-
čenja nagrada održana je u Los An- đelesu 11. decembra. – Ova nagrada je potvrda iz- vrsnog rada i posvećenosti tima Er Srbije, kao i poverenja i odano- sti naših putnika. Priznanje za Naj- bolju avio-kompaniju u Istočnoj Evropi motiviše nas da dalje radi- mo na unapređivanju iskustva putni- ka na našim letovima. Nastavićemo rad na inovacijama, poboljšavanju udobnosti i daljem personalizovanju usluge. Zahvaljujem našim zaposle- nima, čija strast i profesionalizam su ovo omogućili, kao i putnicima ko-
10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Globar Traveler Sa više od 817.000 čitalaca, ča- sopis „Global Traveler“ povezuje brendove sa poslovnim putnici- ma iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Dr- žava. Ovaj magazin dodeljuje na- grade na osnovu rezultata ankete koju sprovodi još od 2004. godi- ne, u kojoj čitaoci uz pomoć upit- nika koji sadrži otvorena pitanja glasaju za svoje favorite. Za više informacija pročitajte decembar- ski broj časopisa „Global Trave- ler“ ili pogledajte veb-sajt global- GLOBAL TRAVELER With more than 817,000 readers, Global Traveler connects brands with U.S.-based frequent, affluent travellers. Since 2004, this Mag- azine has awarded the GT Tested Reader Survey awards annually. Readers of Global Traveler vote for their favourites in an open-ended survey available in both print and online formats. For more infor- mation, visit Global Traveler’s De- cember 2024 issue or check it out online at
The Serbian national airline has been awarded the title of Best Airline in Eastern Europe in the prestigious GT Tested Reader Survey conducted by Global Traveler Magazine, a U.S.-based source for news, reviews and travel guides for luxury business travellers
AS A TRUSTED BENCHMARK FOR EXCELLENCE in the travel in- dustry, the Global Traveler survey invites frequent luxury travellers to identify the best performers across various travel categories. Air Ser- bia’s recognition is based on the results of the 2024 survey, which included the participation of over 20,000 respondents between 13 th December 2023 and 31 st August 2024. The winners were officially announced in the December 2024 issue of Global Traveler, with the awards ceremony held in Los An- geles on 11th December. "This award is testament to the exceptional work and commitment of the Air Serbia team, as well as the trust and loyalty of our passen- gers. Being named the Best Airli- ne in Eastern Europe motivates us to elevate the travel experience we offer continually. It reinforces our dedication to innovation, comfort and a personalised service. I would like to thank our employees, whose passion and professionalism ma- ke this possible, and our passen- gers for choosing Air Serbia as the- ir airline of choice. This recognition
also places us on the global stage, inspiring us to further set new stan- dards in the region and beyond," said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. He said that Air Serbia is a pro- ud ambassador of its country arou- nd the world and represent Serbia in the best possible way. - Recently, we were inducted into the ATW Hall of Fame, alon- gside the world’s most prestigio- us airlines, and now the readers of Global Traveler magazine have re- cognized us as the best airline in Eastern Europe. All our achieve- ments have been made thanks to our team of dedicated professio- nals, who work daily to improve the quality of service and the experien- ce of our passengers. We will con- tinue setting high goals and impro- ving all aspects of our operations,“ said Jiri Marek when accepting the award.
Jirži Marek i George Petković na ceremoniji uručenja nagrada održanoj u ekskluzivnom ambijentu hotela L’Ermitaž na Beverli Hilsu Jiri Marek and George Petković at the awards ceremony that took place in the exclusive setting of the L’Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11
Dobro došli u Beč, grad muzike i snova Welcome to Vienna, city of music and dreams
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
me scan
90 min.
Šetnja najveć im gradom u Austriji, koji nazva - ju Gradom muzike, ali i Gradom snova, čini da se vratite u prošlost. Možete pratiti tragove Mo - carta, Betovena ili Štrausa pa zaplesati uz nji - hove kompozicije na jednom od brojnih balova. Možete ostati očarani čudesnom arhitekturom, ali i primetiti čim izađete iz aviona – Beč se kre - ć e sopstvenim ležernim tempom. Ponekad ćete proći centrom grada usred dana i imati celu kal - drmisanu ulicu za sebe. Zato hajde da se zajed - no ukrcamo na let Er Srbije i saznamo šta nas sve čeka u Beču... Za početak – istorijski centar, „Innere Stadt“ („Unutrašnji grad“), obuhvata oko 16 kvadrat - nih kilometara i donosi gradu prestižnu Unesko - vu oznaku svetske baštine, čime je odato prizna - nje za izuzetno urbano planiranje i arhitektonsko nasleđe Beča. Deo grada koji je na Uneskovoj li - sti obuhvata čuvene znamenitosti kao što su ka - tedrala Svetog Stefana, palate Hofburg, Šenbrun i Belvedere, španska škola jahanja i ringštrase (kružni put) sa svojim velikim bulevarom i monu - mentalnim zgradama. Ali to je tek početak vašeg bečkog putovanja... Strolling around Austria’s biggest city, dubbed the City of Music and City of Dreams, is like ste- pping back in time. Here you can follow in the fo- otsteps of Mozart, Beethoven or Strauss, as you waltz along to their compositions at one of the ci- ty’s many formal balls. You can be left mesmeri- sed by the wonderful architecture, but you’ll also notice that Vienna moves at its own leisurely pa- ce as soon as you step from the plane. You’ll of- ten walk through the city centre in the middle of the day and find that you have entire cobblestone streets all to yourself. So, let’s board an Air Serbia flight together and discover everything that awa - its us in Vienna… Vienna’s historic centre, the Innere Stadt (Inner City), encompasses approximately 16 square ki- lometres and earned the city the prestigious designation of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. UNESCO recognises Vienna’s exceptional ur- ban planning and architectural heritage, with the UNESCO-listed part of the city including iconic landmarks like St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Hofburg Palace, Schönbrunn Palace, Belvedere Palace, the Spanish Riding School and the Ringstrasse (Ring Road), with its grand boulevard and monu- mental buildings. But that’s just the start of your extensive tour of the Austrian capital...
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13
Beč je vekovima bio magnet za talentovane kompozito - re, muzičare i izvođače. Od 18. do početka 20. veka grad je bio svedok zlatnog doba muzike. Poznati kompozito - ri poput Volfganga Amadeusa Mocarta, Ludviga van Beto - vena, Jozefa Hajdna, Johane - sa Bramsa, Franca Šuberta i Johana Štrausa II (kralja val - cera), svi su Beč nazivali do - mom. Ovo muzičko nasleđe slavi se kroz brojne koncertne dvorane uz svetski poznatu Bečku filharmoniju. Kada ste u Beču, obavezno posetite dr - žavnu operu, jednu od naj - prestižnijih operskih kuć a na svetu ili bar uhvatite klasični koncert u istorijskom okruže - nju kao što je koncertna dvo - rana Musikverajn. Zgrada Državne opere (Štat - soper) u Beču jedna je od pr - vih veličanstvenih građevina
u ulici Ringštrase. Otvorena je 1869. godine izvođenjem Mocartove opere „Don Đova - ni“, a danas je jedna od naj - važnijih operskih kuća na svetu sa najbogatijim reper - toarom – godišnje se izvede više od 300 predstava. Narodna opera (Folksoper) druga je po veličini operska kuća u Beču i nudi raznovrsni repertoar na kojem se nalaze opere, operete, mjuzikli, baleti i komadi sa savremenim ple - som. Otvorena je 1898. godi - ne, a operski program je u po - nudi od 1903. godine. Koncerti klasične muzike u Beču se najviše održavaju u Muzičkom udruženju (Musi - kverajn) i u Koncertnoj kući (Koncerthaus). Ljubitelji mu - zike iz celog sveta znaju za Muzičko udruženje kao tra - dicionalno mesto na kojem se izvode dela klasične mu -
zike. Otvoreno je 1870. godi - ne i poznato po svojoj Velikoj zlatnoj dvorani u kojoj Beč - ka filharmonija svake godine izvodi čuveni Bečki novogo - dišnji koncert sa delima po - rodice Štraus i njihovih savre - menika. Nerazdvojivi deo muzičkog ži - vota austrijske prestonice je i Bečka filharmonija. Osnova - na 1842. godine, danas važi za jedan od najboljih orkesta - ra na svetu, a neki je smatra - ju i najboljim. U „Kući muzike“ smešten je muzej Bečke fil - harmonije sa stalnom postav - kom o istoriji orkestra.
14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
City of music
Beč je bio centralna tačka Betovenovog života više od 35 godina Vienna was the focal point of Beethoven’s life for more than 35 years
Vienna has for centuries been a magnet for talented com- posers, musicians and per- formers. From the 18 th cen- tury to the early 20 th century, the city experienced its golden age of music. Famous com- posers like Wolfgang Amade- us Mozart, Ludwig van Beetho- ven, Joseph Haydn, Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert and Johann Strauss II (the “King of the Waltz”) all called Vienna ho- me. The city’s musical heritage is celebrated through its many concert halls and the world-fa- mous Vienna Philharmonic Or- chestra. When in Vienna, ma- ke sure to visit the Vienna State Opera, one of the world’s most prestigious opera houses. Or catch a classical concert in a historic setting like that of the Musikverein concert hall. Opera and Musikverein The Vienna State Opera (Staat- soper) is one of the first magni - ficent buildings in the city’s Rin - gstrasse. Opened in 1869 with a performance of Mozart’s Don
Giovanni, it is today among the world’s most important ope- ra houses, with the richest re- pertoire – including more than 300 performances annually. The National Opera (Volksoper) is Vienna’s second largest ope- ra house and offers a varied re- pertoire featuring operas, ope- rettas, musicals, ballets and contemporary dance shows. Opened in 1898, it has included an opera programme in its offer since 1903. Most classical music concerts in Vienna are performed in the
Između barokne ere i doba revolucije, Mocart je svoje najkreativnije i najuspešnije godine proveo u Beču
Between the Baroque era and the Age of Revolution,
Mozart spent his most creative and successful years in Vienna
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15
Mocart i Betoven Beč je bio dom dvojici najve - ćih kompozitora svih vreme - na – Mocartu i Betovenu iako ni jedan ni drugi u njemu ni - su bili rođeni. Mocart je iz Sal - cburga došao u Beč kada mu je bilo 25 godina, ali je baš ov - de stekao slavu i napisao naj - bolja dela. Uprkos teškoj fi - nansijskoj situaciji, do smrti je odbijao da ode iz Beča u kom je umro tragično, misterio - zno, ostavivši nam „Rekvijem“ za kraj... Danas u ulici Dom - gase 5 u Prvom okrugu gra - da, nedaleko od katedrale Sve - tog Stefana, možete obići dom u kom je živeo od 1784. do 1787. godine. Na četiri sprata kuće koja je pretvorena u mu - zej dostupne su vizuelne i au - dio-instalacije o Mocartovom životu i delu, kao i mnogi isto - rijski eksponati. Betoven je u Beč stigao ne - što kasnije, 1792. godine, ka - da počinje da uči od kompozi - tora Jozefa Hajdna. Njegove prve zrele kompozicije su objavljene 1795. godine i ta - da počinju dani slave koju je doživeo za života. U Beču je živeo sve do smrti. Nikada se nije ženio, retko je putovao, imao je mali krug prijatelja, a sebe je izdržavao bez potre - be za nekim zvaničnim polo - žajem. Njegova monumental - na Deveta simfonija, nastala između 1818. i 1823, premi - jerno je izvedena u Kertnertor teatru u Beču, 7. maja 1824. godine kao kruna Betoveno - vog simfonijskog stvaralaš - tva. U Beču je umro, u tom gradu je i sahranjen.
Hor bečkih dečaka Bečka muzička scena sva - kako ne bi bila ono što jeste da nije i Hora bečkih dečaka. Oko stotinu dečaka između deset i 14 godina je raspode - ljeno u četiri hora koji godiš - nje nastupaju na oko 300 koncerata širom sveta. Hor bečkih dečaka takođe svake nedelje nastupa u Hofburškoj kapeli kao i u njihovoj kon - certnoj dvorani „MuTh“, koja je otvorena krajem 2012. go - dine. U dvorani „MuTh“ Hor bečkih dečaka (među kojima danas ima i devojčica) izvo - di klasični program, ali narav - no, sve više i pop muziku, kao i dečje opere. Njegovi koreni datiraju još iz 1498. godine. Volfgang Ama - deus Mocart je radio sa ho - rom, a Franc Šubert je nekada bio njegov član. Godine 1918. postao je privatna institucija, a njihove carske uniforme posta -
le su mornarska odela. Kapela Carskog dvora, koja se nalazi u centru Hofburga – komplek - sa Carske palate u srcu Beča, može se smatrati domom an - sambla, koji je, naravno, po - zvan i da nastupa na raznim festivalima i koncertnim sala - ma širom sveta. Kapela se pr - vi put zvanično pominje 1296. godine, a tokom vekova su je austrijski vladari više puta pri - lagođavali svom ukusu. Ipak, neki od originalnih gotičkih en - terijera mogu se videti i danas. Celokupni izgled, kojim domi - nira struktura balkona i ora - torija, datira iz vremena Ma - rije Terezije i cara Franca II (1768–1835), dok četiri kapice rebrastog svoda kapele pripa - daju originalnoj gotičkoj struk - turi. Do Carske kapele se može doć i preko unutrašnjeg dvo - ra zamka i Švajcarske kapije ili sa Jozefsplaca (ulaz je iznad Carske riznice).
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hall of the Music Association (Musikverein) and Concert Ho- use (Konzerthaus). Music lo- vers the world over are fami- liar with the Musikverein as a venue where classical music is traditionally performed. Ope- ned in 1870, it is known for its Grand Golden Hall, where the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performs the famous Vienna New Year's concert each ye- ar, featuring the works of the Strauss family and their con- temporaries. Philharmonic Orchestra The Vienna Philharmonic Orc- hestra is an indispensable part of the musical life of the Au- strian capital. Founded in 1842, it is today considered one of the best orchestras in the wor- ld, while some consider it the best. Vienna’s House of Mu- sic is home to the museum of the Vienna Philharmonic Orc- hestra, which has a permanent exhibition on the history of the orchestra. Mozart and Beethoven Vienna was home to two of the greatest ever composers: Mo- zart and Beethoven, though ne- ither of them were actually na- tives of the city. Mozart only came from Salzburg to Vienna at the age of 25, but it was the- re that he gained fame and wrote his best works. Despite the difficult financial situation that plagued him until his de- ath, he refused to leave Vienna, where he died tragically and mysteriously, leaving behind his Requiem... Today, at Dom- gasse 5 in the city’s 1 st district, not far from St. Stephen’s Cat- hedral, you can visit the house that was his home from 1784 to 1787. On four floors of the house, which has been conver- ted into a museum, visual and audio installations shed light on the life and works of Mozart, as do many historical exhibits. Beethoven arrived in Vienna a
little later, in 1792, when he be- gan studying under the guidan- ce of composer Joseph Haydn. His first mature compositions were published in 1795, after which began the days of glory that he would experience throu- ghout the remainder of his life. He lived in Vienna until his de- ath. Beethoven never married, rarely travelled, had a small circle of friends and supported himself without the need for any official position. His monu - mental 9 th Symphony, created between 1818 and 1823, pre- miered at Vienna’s Kärntner- tor (Carinthian Gate) Theatre on 7 th May 1824, marking the crowning glory of Beethoven’s symphonic creativity. He died in Vienna and was laid to rest in the city. Vienna boys’ choir Vienna’s music scene certain- ly wouldn’t be what it is today without the Vienna Boys’ Cho- ir. Comprising around a hun- dred boys aged between ten and 14, divided into four cho- irs, this famous Choir performs some 300 concerts annually, performing in front of around half a million spectators. The Vienna Boys’ Choir also per- forms every Sunday in the Hof- burg chapel (Hofburgkapelle), as well as at its own concert hall, The MuTh, which opened in late 2012. The MuTh con- cert hall sees the Vienna Boys’
Choir (which incidentally nowa- days also includes girls) per- form its classical programme, as well as pop music and chil- dren’s opera. Its roots date as far back as 1498. Wolfgang Amadeus Mo- zart worked with the choir and Franz Schubert was once a member. The choir became a private institution in 1918, when their imperial uniforms switc- hed to sailor suits. The Impe- rial Court Chapel, located at the centre of the Hofburg Imperial Palace complex at the heart of Vienna, can be considered the home of the Vienna Boys’ Cho- ir, which of course performs by invitation at various festi- vals and concert halls worldwi- de. The first official mention of the chapel was in 1296, whi- le Austrian rulers have adapted it to their own taste multiple ti- mes over the centuries. Nonet- heless, some of the original Go- thic interiors can still be seen to this day. Its overall look, do- minated by the structure of the balcony and oratory, dates back to the time of Maria Theresa and Emperor Franz II (1768– 1835), while the four capstones of the chapel’s ribbed vault be- long to the original Gothic stru- cture. You can access the Im- perial Chapel via the palace’s inner courtyard and the Swiss Gate or from Josephsplatz (the entrance is above the Imperial Treasury).
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Bečka kuhinja odražava isto - rijske multikulturalne uticaje na grad, nudeć i raznovrsna je - la koja su duboko ukorenjena u lokalnu kulturu. Viner šnicel, pohovani i prženi teleć i kotlet, možda je najpoznatije jelo, dok tafelšpic, kuvana govedina u bujonu, pokazuje jednostav - nost i bogatstvo austrijske ku - hinje. Naravno, deserti poput apfelštrudel i saher torte se ne smeju propustiti, jer predstav - ljaju slatku stranu bečke kuli - narske umetnosti. Bečka šnicla Jednako je amblematična za austrijsku prestonicu kao i ba - rokne palate i klasični kompo - zitori. Svaki restoran koji ovde vredi u svoje će prezle umota - ti teleć i kotlet i ispržiti ga u pu - teru, pa poslužiti uz austrijsku salatu od krompira. Ali kultu - ra šnicle ide i dalje od jela: lo - kalne bečke grupe organizuju festivale u njenu čast, 9. sep - tembra slavi se Nacionalni dan bečke šnicle, a postoji čak i onlajn muzej posveć en ovom specijalitetu.
Ali odakle je došlo ovo bečko jelo? Najpoznatija legenda je da je gurmanski austrijski ge - neral Radecki otkrio italijanski „cotoletta alla milanese“ (mi - lanski teleć i kotlet) tokom bit - ke u kasnom 19. veku. Vrativši se u Beč, naredio je kuvarima da naprave sopstvenu verzi - ju i tako je rođena bečka šnic - la. Ipak, istoričari i kuvari pri - meć uju da se pohovane šnicle pominju čitav vek ranije u ku - varima. „Viner“ je pak bio re - lativno kasni dodatak imenu, i pominje se prvi put u kuva - ru iz 1831. Ideja da se teleć i kotlet pripiše Beču bila je po - četkom 20.veka deo pokreta za jačanje brenda bečke kuhi - nje i drugih lokalnih specijalite - ta koji su predstavljali veličan - stvenost Austrije u to vreme. Danas termin „bečka šnicla“ uživa zaštić eni pravni status i može se odnositi samo na par - če teleć eg mesa premazano jajetom, brašnom i prezlama koje se zatim prži. Svinjetina, popularna zamena za teleti - nu, mora biti označena kao „Viener schnitzel vom Schve -
in“ (od svinjetine) ili samo kao „šnicla“. I dok desetine restorana de - cenijama služe bečko jelo ko - je se preliva preko tanjira, „Figlmüller“ tvrdi da je dom „je - dine prave bečke šnicle“. Za hi - ljade posetilaca Beča čekanje ispred ovog restorana ne pred - stavlja teškoć u ako to znači da će probati savršenu šnic - lu – laganu i paperjastu, nikad masnu, posluženu iz ruku ko - nobara u crnom smokingu. Ka - žu da su detalji ti koji odvaja - ju „Figlmüller“ od konkurencije – restoran koristi samo doma - ć e meso i sveže prezle, ali pra - va magija je u prženju. Šnicla je bila deo priče o „Figlmülleru“ od početka, ali nije uvek bila zvezda restora - na. Godine 1905. Johan Figl - muler otvorio je skromni vinski bar u blizini centralne gradske katedrale Svetog Stefana. Tek osamdesetih godina prošlog veka velike šnicle počele su da privlače međunarodnu pažnju. Dakle, ako nemate ništa protiv da čekate, idite i vidite oko če - ga se diže tolika prašina.
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Viennese cuisine
The cuisine of Vienna reflects the city’s historical multicultural influences, offering a variety of dishes that are deeply embed- ded in the local culture. Wiener Schnitzel, a breaded and fried veal cutlet, is perhaps the most famous dish, while Tafelspitz, boiled beef in broth, showcases the simplicity and richness of Austrian cooking. Desserts li- ke Apfelstrudel and Sachertorte are also ‘musts’ that represent the sweet side of Viennese culi- nary artistry. Wiener schnitzel This speciality is as emblema- tic of the Austrian capital as Baroque palaces and classi- cal composers. Any restaurant worth its breadcrumbs here fe- atures the pan-fried veal cutlet alongside sweet and vinegary Austrian potato salad. But sch- nitzel culture extends beyond the table: local Viennese gro- ups have organised festivals to celebrate schnitzel, arguably Austria's most prominent nati- onal dish. The date of 9 th Sep- tember is designated Natio- nal Wiener Schnitzel Day, and there's even an online Schnit- zel Museum dedicated to pro- moting it. But where did this dish come from? The best-known legend is that a gourmand Austrian ge- neral discovered the Italian dish
cotoletta alla milanese (Milane- se veal cutlet) during a battle in the late 19 th century. Back in Vienna, he ordered his cooks to whip up their own version, and the Wiener schnitzel was born. However, both historians and chefs note that the first known mention of a breaded schnit- zel appears a century earlier, in a cookbook of Austrian specia- lities. ‘Wiener’ was a relatively late addition to the name, first appearing in an 1831 cookbo- ok. The idea of attributing the veal cutlet to Vienna was part of an early 20 th century move- ment to bolster the Viennese kitchen and other local specia- lities that represented the gran- deur of Austria at the time. The term ‘Wiener schnitzel’ to- day enjoys protected legal sta- tus and may only refer to a slice of veal coated in egg, flour and breadcrumbs that’s then fried. Pork, a popular veal substitute, must be labelled as ‘Wiener schnitzel vom Schwein’ (from pork), or just ‘schnitzel’. And while dozens of restaurants ha- ve been serving Vienna’s signa- ture, spill-over-the-plate dish
for decades, Figlmüller claims to be the home of ‘the one true Wiener schnitzel’. For thousands of visitors to Vienna, waiting outside Figlmüller isn’t a hassle if it me- ans getting the real-deal schni- tzel experience: light and fluffy, never greasy and served by a waiter wearing a black tuxedo. While many serve a big schnit- zel, they say that it's the details that separate Figlmüller from the competition. This restau- rant only uses locally sourced Austrian meat and fresh bread- crumbs, but the real magic is in the frying. The schnitzel has been part of the Figlmüller story since the restaurant’s establishment, but it wasn't always the star of the show. In 1905, Johann Figlmüller opened a modest wine bar a few streets back from the city’s central St. Step- hen’s Cathedral. It wasn't un- til the 1980s that the oversized schnitzel started to attract in- ternational attention. So, if you don't mind waiting, head the- re and find out what all the fuss is about.
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Saher torta Čokolada, džem, brašno, ja - ja, puter. Sastojci su obični, ali ne i način na koji se sjedinju - ju. On mora biti savršen. I ona čokoladna glazura, ona mora da se cakli. Obična torta? Ne, saher je mnogo više od toga: kultni brend i recept star 200 godina, zaključan u sefu beč - kog hotela „Saher“. Sve je počelo 1832. posle Bečkog kongresa, kada je princ Meternih, carski kan - celar, naložio da se pripremi gozba za pamćenje naglasiv - ši da naročito desert treba da bude izuzetan. Glavni kuvar se razboleo i sva odgovornost je bila na njegovom pomoćni - ku, 16-godišnjem Francu Sa - heru. Saher se vešto snašao iskoristivši sastojke koji su već bili u kuhinji. Kada je na banketu poslužena čokoladna torta sa džemom od kajsije i šlagom sa strane, bio je to ne - zapamćen uspeh, nešto novo i neočekivano na slatkoj beč - koj mapi, koja je do tada zna - la samo za kreacije od mar - cipana. Četiri godine kasnije Francova torta je počela da se služi na dvoru. U godina - ma koje su usledile bilo je ra - ta između patiserije „Demel“ i hotela Saher oko vlasništva nad imenom „originalna sa - her torta“. Skoro dve deceni - je trajala je rasprava da li se prava torta pravi sa džemom u sredini ili ispod glazure, sve dok sud nije presudio da sa - mo hotel „Saher“ sme da ko - risti naziv „originalna saher torta“. Kažu, najveći izazov je napra - viti čokoladnu glazuru od tri vrste čokolade, a torta se ni - kako ne drži u frižideru i slu - ži se s nezaslađenim šlagom, tradicionalno uz bečki me - lanž, čuvenu kafu s mlekom.
Sachertorte Chocolate, jam, flour, eggs and butter. The ingredients are common, but the way they are fused is not. It must be perfe- ct. And that chocolate glazing must shine. An ordinary ca- ke? No! The Sachertorte is mu- ch more than that: a cult brand and 200-year-old recipe that’s currently locked in the safe of Vienna’s Hotel Sacher. It all started in 1832, after the Congress of Vienna, when Prin- ce Metternich, the imperial chancellor, ordered the prepa- ration of a feast to remember, emphasising that the desserts should be particularly outstan- ding. The head chef fell ill and all responsibility fell on his assi- stant, the then 16-year-old Franz Sacher. Sacher coped skilfully, using ingredients that were already available in the ki- tchen. When his chocolate ca- ke with apricot jam and whi- pped cream was served at the banquet, it proved an unpre- cedented success, marking the creation of something new and unexpected on the map
of Viennese desserts, which had until then only known abo- ut creations made of marzi- pan. It was four years later that Franz’s cake began being ser- ved at the imperial court. In the years that followed, there was everything – from a war that was not at all sweet between the Demel pastry shop and the Sacher Hotel over the owner- ship rights of the name ‘Origi- nal Sachertorte’, to the almost 20-year-long debate over whet- her the proper version of the cake is made with jam in the middle or under glaze, all the way to a court ruling that only the Hotel Sacher was permitted to use the name ‘Original Sac- hertorte’. The biggest challenge is sa- id to be making the chocola- te glaze, which is created using three types of chocolate, while the finished cake should never be kept in a fridge and should always be served with unswee- tened whipped cream, traditio- nally alongside “Wiener Melan- ge” (Viennese Blend), the city’s famous coffee with milk.
Saher torta i bečka šnicla su tek početak bečke gastronomske priče, a gde su štrudla s jabukama, mocart kugle, kobasice... Sachertorte and Wiener Schnitzel are just the start of Vienna’s gastronomic story, which also includes apple strudel, Mozartkugel balls, wurst sausages etc.
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Schönbrunn is the most popular spot ŠENBRUN JE NAJPOPULARNIJI
Najposeć enije mesto u Beču je palata Šenbrun, zapanjuju - ć i primer barokne arhitekture. Ova bivša carska letnja rezi - dencija svake godine privlači milione posetilaca oduševlje - nih veličanstvenom palatom, lepo uređenim vrtovima i Glo - rijetom sa panoramskim po - gledom na Beč. To je najveć e austrijsko ima - nje Habsburgovaca sa car - skim ceremonijalnim sobama i veličanstvenim vrtovima. U posedu Habzburgovaca je od 1569, a potpuno je redizajni - rano pod Marijom Terezijom posle 1743. Danas, zbog svog istorijskog značaja, jedinstve - nog rasporeda i veličanstve - nog nameštaja, pripada Une - skovoj svetskoj baštini. Palata Šenbrun ima ukupno 1.441 sobu, od kojih se 45 može posetiti. Unutrašnjost je u stilu rokokoa. Mocart je kao šestogodišnji vunderkind stvarao u palati Šenbrun. „Mi -
llions Room“, obložena pali - sanderom i ukrašena vrednim minijaturama iz Indije i Persi - je, svrstava se među najlep - še sobe u rokoko stilu koje postoje na svetu. Bečki kon - gres održan je u Velikoj galeri - ji 1814/15. Glorijeta se nalazi na najvi - šem mestu i nudi fantasti -
čan pogled na Beč. Danas se u toj veličanstvenoj građevi - ni nalazi kafić gde vas čekaju ukusna peciva. Nedeljom pre podne služi se branč uz ži - vu muziku od klasike do dže - za. Imperator Franc Jozef I i Sisi takođe su voleli ovo me - sto i u Glorijeti imali salu za doručak.
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Vienna’s most visited lan- dmark is Schönbrunn Pala- ce, a stunning example of Baroque architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This former imperial summer residence attracts millions of visitors each year, drawn to its magnificent palace, be- autifully landscaped gardens and the Gloriette, with its pa- noramic views of Vienna. Austria’s largest palace of the Habsburgs, it boasts im- perial ceremonial rooms, magnificent gardens and a lavish virtual reality expe- rience. Schönbrunn Pala- ce was in the possession of the Habsburgs from 1569, but the complex was com- pletely redesigned under Ma- ria Theresa after 1743. Due to its historical significance, unique layout and magnifi- cent furnishings, this palace is today a UNESCO World He- ritage site. Schönbrunn Palace has a to- tal of 1,441 rooms, 45 of whi- ch can be visited. The in- teriors are in the Rococo style. Mozart made music at Schönbrunn Palace as a six- year-old prodigy. The Milli- ons Room, panelled with ro- sewood and decorated with valuable miniatures from In- dia and Persia, ranks among the most beautiful Rococo rooms in existence. The Con- gress of Vienna convened in the Grand Gallery in 1814/15. The Gloriette stands on hig- her ground in Schönbrunn Palace Park and offers a fan- tastic view of Vienna. This magnificent structure is to- day home to a café where you are awaited by delicio- us pastries. And on Sunday mornings there's brunch with live music ranging from cla- ssical to jazz. Emperor Franz Joseph I and Sisi also loved this place so much that they set up a breakfast hall in the Gloriette.
ČUVENI PANORAMSKI TOČAK / Famous ferris wheel
Jedan od zaštitnih znakova Beča je Rizenrad ili džinov - ski panoramski točak koji se nalazi na početku zabavnog parka Prater. Otvoren je za javnost 3. jula 1897. godine povodom proslave 50. go - dišnjice vladavine cara Fran - ca Jozefa. Hiljade ljudi je posmatralo zvanice na inauguracionom krugu, a novinski izveštaji su toplo govorili o odličnom pogledu i udobnoj vožnji. Dizajner Volter Baset je već usavršio svoje inženjerske veštine u izgradnji panoram - skog točka u Londonu pre nego što je radio na beč - koj verziji. Cela konstrukci - ja teška preko 430 tona ima prečnik nešto manje od 61 metra. Okreć e se polako, ali sigurno, brzinom od 2,7 km/h. Točak zauzima posebno me - sto u srcima Bečlija i pose - tilaca zahvaljujuć i i svojoj ulozi u filmovima i TV seri - jama. Te crvene kabine su igrale ključne role u „Treć em čoveku“ sa Orsonom Velsom ili u „Pre svitanja“ sa Itanom Hokom, pa će i to doprine - ti osećaju da ste doživeli ne - što izuzetno.
One of Vienna’s most renowned landmarks is the Riesenrad or the Giant Ferris Wheel, located at the start of the Prater amu- sement park. It first opened to the public on 3 rd July 1897, to mark celebrations of the 50 th anniversary of the reign of Em- peror Franz Joseph. A crowd of thousands watched the official guests take an inaugural trip, and newspaper reports wrote warmly of the excellent views and comfortable ride. Designer Walter Basset had already honed his engineering skills by building a big wheel in London before working on the Viennese version. The structu- re weighs over 430 tonnes and has a diameter of just under 61 metres. It turns slowly, but surely, at a speed of 2.7 km/h. The wheel has a special place in the hearts of locals and vi- sitors thanks to its appearan- ce in various much-loved films and TV shows. Those red ca- bins played critical roles in su- ch notable films as The Third Man with Orson Welles and Be- fore Sunrise with Ethan Hawke, so that will also contribute to the feeling that you’ve expe- rienced something extraordi- nary.
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In footsteps of the great Freud
Već i deo svog života Sigmu - nd Frojd je austrijsku prestoni - cu zvao domom. Njegovo na - sleđe je bilo toliko značajno da je Beč jedno vreme postao po - znat i kao Grad snova. Može - te prošetati i zaroniti duboko u Frojdovo vreme, tražeć i mesta u kojima je živeo i radio. U tipičnom bečkom saloncu, na adresi Bergase 19, otac psi - hoanalize Sigmund Frojd živeo je sa ženom Martom, šesto - ro dece i svastikom. U taj stan uselio se 1891. i u njemu pro - veo 47 godina, sve dok se pre - ko Pariza nije domogao Lon - dona bežeći od nacista. Tu se nalazio čuveni kauč, tu su na - stala njegova najpoznatija de - la, tu je pušio, i to mnogo, pri - mao slavne pacijente, odatle je išao u obližnji park, u kafe „Landtmann“, u Muzej istorije umetnosti. Voleo je staroegi - patsku umetnost i imao boga - tu kolekciju. Frojdov dom na bečkoj adre - si je 1971. godine u prisustvu njegove ćerke Ane Frojd, tako - đe psihoanalitičarke, pretvo - ren u muzej. Zvonite na ploči - cu s imenom „Prof. dr Frojd“, ulazite u čekaonicu gde su se održavali čuveni Sastanci sre - dom, iz kojih se kasnije izrodi - lo Bečko psihoanalitičko druš - tvo, gledate naučne radove, knjige i neizbežno shvatate da o tom briljantnom umu ipak ta - ko malo znate, iako ste baš od njega o sebi naučili mnogo. Ma koliko se danas o njego - vim dostignućima polemisalo, Frojd nam je pružio utehu i ot - krio veliku istinu – da je mno - go teško živeti kao ljudsko bi - će. On je to otkrio u Beču.
For most of his li- fe, Sigmund Freud called Vienna ho- me. His legacy was so significant that Vienna even beca- me known as the “City of Dreams” for a time. You can walk in Vienna and dive deep into Fre- ud and his time, seeking out the pla- ces where he lived
from here he went to the near- by park, to Café Landtmann, to the Museum of Art History. He loved ancient Egyptian art and had a rich collection. In 1971, Freud’s home at this Vienna address, in the presen- ce of his daughter Anna Fre- ud, also a psychoanalyst, was converted into a museum. Ring the bell on the namepla- te reading Prof. Dr. Freud, en- ter the waiting room where the famous Wednesday meetin- gs were held, which later led to the emergence of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, view scientific works, ashtrays and books, and you inevitably rea- lise how little you know about this brilliant mind, even though you have learned a lot about yourself from him. And no matter how controver- sial his discoveries are today, he gave us great comfort and discovered a great truth – that living as a human being is very difficult. And he discovered that in Vienna.
and worked. In a typical Viennese salon apartment, at Berggasse 19, lived the father of psycho- analysis, with his wife Mar- tha, their six children and his sister-in-law. He moved in- to this apartment in 1891 and spent 47 years there, until he fled from the Nazis via Paris to London. Here was his famous cou- ch, where his most renow- ned works were created; here he smoked, a lot, and recei- ved many celebrity patients;
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