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PROSLAVA I U SRBIJI Povodom otvaranja obnovljene pariske katedrale, Francuski insti- tut u Srbiji i Ambasada Republike Francuske spremili su niz doga- đaja koji će se održati do februa- ra 2025. kako bi istakli značaj ovog remek-dela evropske kulturne ba- štine. Program obuhvata izložbe, virtuelne ture, predavanja i multi- medijalne sadržaje posvećene ovom evropskom dragulju i njegovoj re- konstrukciji. Ovog 27. januara u Evropskoj kući će predavanje pod nazivom „Ar- hitektura nacionalnih katedrala – komparativna analiza“ održati Matje Lurs, francuski istoričar arhitektu- re, orguljaš, stručnjak za sakralnu arhitekturu i francusku arhitekturu moderne epohe. Dan ranije, 26. ja- nuara, u Katoličkoj crkvi na Vračaru biće održan koncert orgulja. Fran- cuski pravoslavni teolog i esejista Žan-Fransoa Kolosimo održaće pre- davanje „Pariz, teološki centar XX veka. Višereligioznost“ u četvrtak, 13. februara. Početkom februara u Jugoslovenskoj kinoteci (Uzun Mir- kova 1) biće održan program „Notr Dam na filmu“, specijalna projekcija filmova i reportaža o Notr Damu iz fundusa arhiva Jugoslovenske kino- teke, praćenih prikazivanjem filma „Notr Dam u plamenu“ francuskog reditelja Žan-Žak Anoa. Od 3. do 28. februara 2025. u Galeriji Fran- cuskog instituta biće održana izlož- ba „Notr Dam u stripu“. MJUZIKL U BEOGRADU Od 14. do 17. februara na sceni Centra „Sava“ srpska publi- ka će imati priliku da čuje čuvene „Belle“, „Danse mon Esmeralda“, i „Le temps des cathédrales“ u mj- uziklu „Notre Dame de Paris“ na francuskom jeziku. Po broju pro- datih karata u prvoj godini postav- ke, francuska verzija je ušla u Gini- sovu knjigu rekorda, a legendarna „Belle“ je priznata kao najbolja pe- sma 20. veka u Francuskoj. Mju- zikl rađen po romanu Viktora Igoa „Zvonar Bogorodičine crkve“ uk- ljučuje 200 tona dekoracija, pa se očekuje da beogradske predstave budu spektakularne.

T his famous Paris cathe- dral was engulfed by a huge fire on 15 th April 2019. The world watched in shock and through tears as one of the symbols of Paris was devastated. A 19 th -century tow- er even collapsed during a live televi- sion broadcast. The roof and tower were destroyed by the flames, while the cathedral’s interior, upper walls and windows were badly damaged. Following incredible restora- tion efforts financed by donations received from around the world, the cathedral reopened in December 2024, with French President Emma- nuel Macron telling his guests, top officials, but also the inhabitants of the entire planet, that this cathedral “reminds us that even our boldest dreams can only be realised through the will and commitment of every- one. Great nations can achieve the impossible”. Words of gratitude in French and other languages were pro- jected in golden letters on the façade of Notre-Dame, while 160 firefight- ers and construction workers parad- ed through the cathedral to a stand- ing ovation of guests. Notre-Dame Cathedral, “Our La- dy of Paris”, represents a testament to history and religious faith that occu- pies the eastern side of the Seine’s Île de la Cité island in the 4 th arrondisse- ment. This celebrated Catholic cathe- dral, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture, holds a special place in the hearts of Parisians and visitors alike. Built between the 12 th and 14 th centuries, Notre-Dame has witnessed

countless historical events, wars and revolutions. Millions of visitors from around the world have been capti- vated by this cathedral’s breathtak- ing stained-glass windows, elaborate stone carvings and tall towers, which reach a height exceeding 100 metres. Around 600 firefighters spent 15 hours fighting to extinguish the fire, while there were fears that the eight large bells of its northern tow- er would fall and cause the tower it- self to collapse. The tower survived, while the spire, wooden roof beams and the stone vault above the central altar were destroyed, though much was nonetheless saved. Approximate- ly 2,000 masons, parquet flooring experts, restorers, roofers, welders, art experts, sculptors and engineers worked on the restoration project. None of the 800-year-old timbers survived the fire, with approximate- ly 1,200 oak trees having to be found to replace them. A particularly de- manding task was the cleaning of the nearly 8,000 pipes that make up the great organ, which is the largest in France. Produced in 1401 and sub- jected to numerous restorations over previous years, some of the medie- val pipes have nonetheless been pre- served to this day. It was very fortu- nate that this organ, which is perhaps the most famous instrument in the world, didn’t perish in the fire. The wooden interior was com- pletely destroyed, but other features survived in this 850-year-old Goth- ic edifice. The cathedral boasts three rose windows that date back to the 13 th century and are among its most famous elements. The first and small-

102 | Pariz » Paris

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