Globar Traveler Sa više od 817.000 čitalaca, ča- sopis „Global Traveler“ povezuje brendove sa poslovnim putnici- ma iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Dr- žava. Ovaj magazin dodeljuje na- grade na osnovu rezultata ankete koju sprovodi još od 2004. godi- ne, u kojoj čitaoci uz pomoć upit- nika koji sadrži otvorena pitanja glasaju za svoje favorite. Za više informacija pročitajte decembar- ski broj časopisa „Global Trave- ler“ ili pogledajte veb-sajt global- GLOBAL TRAVELER With more than 817,000 readers, Global Traveler connects brands with U.S.-based frequent, affluent travellers. Since 2004, this Mag- azine has awarded the GT Tested Reader Survey awards annually. Readers of Global Traveler vote for their favourites in an open-ended survey available in both print and online formats. For more infor- mation, visit Global Traveler’s De- cember 2024 issue or check it out online at
The Serbian national airline has been awarded the title of Best Airline in Eastern Europe in the prestigious GT Tested Reader Survey conducted by Global Traveler Magazine, a U.S.-based source for news, reviews and travel guides for luxury business travellers
AS A TRUSTED BENCHMARK FOR EXCELLENCE in the travel in- dustry, the Global Traveler survey invites frequent luxury travellers to identify the best performers across various travel categories. Air Ser- bia’s recognition is based on the results of the 2024 survey, which included the participation of over 20,000 respondents between 13 th December 2023 and 31 st August 2024. The winners were officially announced in the December 2024 issue of Global Traveler, with the awards ceremony held in Los An- geles on 11th December. "This award is testament to the exceptional work and commitment of the Air Serbia team, as well as the trust and loyalty of our passen- gers. Being named the Best Airli- ne in Eastern Europe motivates us to elevate the travel experience we offer continually. It reinforces our dedication to innovation, comfort and a personalised service. I would like to thank our employees, whose passion and professionalism ma- ke this possible, and our passen- gers for choosing Air Serbia as the- ir airline of choice. This recognition
also places us on the global stage, inspiring us to further set new stan- dards in the region and beyond," said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. He said that Air Serbia is a pro- ud ambassador of its country arou- nd the world and represent Serbia in the best possible way. - Recently, we were inducted into the ATW Hall of Fame, alon- gside the world’s most prestigio- us airlines, and now the readers of Global Traveler magazine have re- cognized us as the best airline in Eastern Europe. All our achieve- ments have been made thanks to our team of dedicated professio- nals, who work daily to improve the quality of service and the experien- ce of our passengers. We will con- tinue setting high goals and impro- ving all aspects of our operations,“ said Jiri Marek when accepting the award.
Jirži Marek i George Petković na ceremoniji uručenja nagrada održanoj u ekskluzivnom ambijentu hotela L’Ermitaž na Beverli Hilsu Jiri Marek and George Petković at the awards ceremony that took place in the exclusive setting of the L’Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11
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