Salcburg Salzburg
At the Dallmann pastry shop in the village of Sankt Gilgen on Lake Wolfgang, you can learn how to make Mozartkugel balls and master all the secrets of great confectioners
U poslastičarnici „Dalman“ u gradiću St. Gilgen na jezeru Volfgangce možete da naučite da pravite mocart kugle i savladate sve poslastičarske tajne
O planini i čokoladi Na samo 20 minuta vožnje od gra- da nalazi se neverovatan alpski krajo- lik: planinski vrhovi, jezera, reke, živo- pisna sela i gradići. Salckamergut je zemlja čuda u kojoj su isprepletane staze za pešačenje, skijanje i brdski biciklizam. Uputite se žičarom u spek- takularnu vožnju do vrha planine Cve- lferhorn. Na vrhu se nalaze vidikovac i sjajna kafeterija. Imajući na umu da je Mocart rođen u Salcburgu, logično je da je njegovo ime prisutno svuda u gradu. Sa druge strane, Austrijanci se vekovima odli- kuju vrhunskim poslastičarskim ume- ćem, te je bilo logično da neko ove dve stvari spoji u jedno. A to je učinio poslastičar iz Salcburga Pol First kada je 1890. godine stvorio sada već ču- vene mocart kugle. Okrugli slatkiš od marcipana, pistaća i nugata, umočen u tamnu čokoladu, stekao je planetar- nu popularnost.
Incredible landscapes await you just a 20-minute drive from Salzburg, en- compassing mountain peaks, lakes, riv- ers and picturesque villages and small towns. The Salzkammergut resort ar- ea is a veritable wonderland that’s in- tersected by hiking trails, ski slopes and mountain biking runs. Catch the cable car for a spectacular ride to the top of the Zwölferhorn, where you can enjoy wonderful views. At the top you will find an observation point and cafeteria. Given that Mozart was born in Salzburg, it’s quite logical that his name would be present all over the city. On the oth- er hand, Austrians have been known for their superb confectionary skills for centuries. It was thus inevitable that someone would one day combine the two to create something special. And that’s precisely what Salzburg confec- tioner Paul Fürst did back in 1890, when he created the famous little balls known as Mozartkugel. This small, round sug- ar confection - made from marzipan, pistachios and nougat, and covered in dark chocolate - has gone on to gain worldwide popularity.
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