Elevate January 2025 | Air Serbia



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90 min.

Šetnja najveć im gradom u Austriji, koji nazva - ju Gradom muzike, ali i Gradom snova, čini da se vratite u prošlost. Možete pratiti tragove Mo - carta, Betovena ili Štrausa pa zaplesati uz nji - hove kompozicije na jednom od brojnih balova. Možete ostati očarani čudesnom arhitekturom, ali i primetiti čim izađete iz aviona – Beč se kre - ć e sopstvenim ležernim tempom. Ponekad ćete proći centrom grada usred dana i imati celu kal - drmisanu ulicu za sebe. Zato hajde da se zajed - no ukrcamo na let Er Srbije i saznamo šta nas sve čeka u Beču... Za početak – istorijski centar, „Innere Stadt“ („Unutrašnji grad“), obuhvata oko 16 kvadrat - nih kilometara i donosi gradu prestižnu Unesko - vu oznaku svetske baštine, čime je odato prizna - nje za izuzetno urbano planiranje i arhitektonsko nasleđe Beča. Deo grada koji je na Uneskovoj li - sti obuhvata čuvene znamenitosti kao što su ka - tedrala Svetog Stefana, palate Hofburg, Šenbrun i Belvedere, španska škola jahanja i ringštrase (kružni put) sa svojim velikim bulevarom i monu - mentalnim zgradama. Ali to je tek početak vašeg bečkog putovanja... Strolling around Austria’s biggest city, dubbed the City of Music and City of Dreams, is like ste- pping back in time. Here you can follow in the fo- otsteps of Mozart, Beethoven or Strauss, as you waltz along to their compositions at one of the ci- ty’s many formal balls. You can be left mesmeri- sed by the wonderful architecture, but you’ll also notice that Vienna moves at its own leisurely pa- ce as soon as you step from the plane. You’ll of- ten walk through the city centre in the middle of the day and find that you have entire cobblestone streets all to yourself. So, let’s board an Air Serbia flight together and discover everything that awa - its us in Vienna… Vienna’s historic centre, the Innere Stadt (Inner City), encompasses approximately 16 square ki- lometres and earned the city the prestigious designation of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. UNESCO recognises Vienna’s exceptional ur- ban planning and architectural heritage, with the UNESCO-listed part of the city including iconic landmarks like St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Hofburg Palace, Schönbrunn Palace, Belvedere Palace, the Spanish Riding School and the Ringstrasse (Ring Road), with its grand boulevard and monu- mental buildings. But that’s just the start of your extensive tour of the Austrian capital...

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

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