Saher torta Čokolada, džem, brašno, ja - ja, puter. Sastojci su obični, ali ne i način na koji se sjedinju - ju. On mora biti savršen. I ona čokoladna glazura, ona mora da se cakli. Obična torta? Ne, saher je mnogo više od toga: kultni brend i recept star 200 godina, zaključan u sefu beč - kog hotela „Saher“. Sve je počelo 1832. posle Bečkog kongresa, kada je princ Meternih, carski kan - celar, naložio da se pripremi gozba za pamćenje naglasiv - ši da naročito desert treba da bude izuzetan. Glavni kuvar se razboleo i sva odgovornost je bila na njegovom pomoćni - ku, 16-godišnjem Francu Sa - heru. Saher se vešto snašao iskoristivši sastojke koji su već bili u kuhinji. Kada je na banketu poslužena čokoladna torta sa džemom od kajsije i šlagom sa strane, bio je to ne - zapamćen uspeh, nešto novo i neočekivano na slatkoj beč - koj mapi, koja je do tada zna - la samo za kreacije od mar - cipana. Četiri godine kasnije Francova torta je počela da se služi na dvoru. U godina - ma koje su usledile bilo je ra - ta između patiserije „Demel“ i hotela Saher oko vlasništva nad imenom „originalna sa - her torta“. Skoro dve deceni - je trajala je rasprava da li se prava torta pravi sa džemom u sredini ili ispod glazure, sve dok sud nije presudio da sa - mo hotel „Saher“ sme da ko - risti naziv „originalna saher torta“. Kažu, najveći izazov je napra - viti čokoladnu glazuru od tri vrste čokolade, a torta se ni - kako ne drži u frižideru i slu - ži se s nezaslađenim šlagom, tradicionalno uz bečki me - lanž, čuvenu kafu s mlekom.
Sachertorte Chocolate, jam, flour, eggs and butter. The ingredients are common, but the way they are fused is not. It must be perfe- ct. And that chocolate glazing must shine. An ordinary ca- ke? No! The Sachertorte is mu- ch more than that: a cult brand and 200-year-old recipe that’s currently locked in the safe of Vienna’s Hotel Sacher. It all started in 1832, after the Congress of Vienna, when Prin- ce Metternich, the imperial chancellor, ordered the prepa- ration of a feast to remember, emphasising that the desserts should be particularly outstan- ding. The head chef fell ill and all responsibility fell on his assi- stant, the then 16-year-old Franz Sacher. Sacher coped skilfully, using ingredients that were already available in the ki- tchen. When his chocolate ca- ke with apricot jam and whi- pped cream was served at the banquet, it proved an unpre- cedented success, marking the creation of something new and unexpected on the map
of Viennese desserts, which had until then only known abo- ut creations made of marzi- pan. It was four years later that Franz’s cake began being ser- ved at the imperial court. In the years that followed, there was everything – from a war that was not at all sweet between the Demel pastry shop and the Sacher Hotel over the owner- ship rights of the name ‘Origi- nal Sachertorte’, to the almost 20-year-long debate over whet- her the proper version of the cake is made with jam in the middle or under glaze, all the way to a court ruling that only the Hotel Sacher was permitted to use the name ‘Original Sac- hertorte’. The biggest challenge is sa- id to be making the chocola- te glaze, which is created using three types of chocolate, while the finished cake should never be kept in a fridge and should always be served with unswee- tened whipped cream, traditio- nally alongside “Wiener Melan- ge” (Viennese Blend), the city’s famous coffee with milk.
Saher torta i bečka šnicla su tek početak bečke gastronomske priče, a gde su štrudla s jabukama, mocart kugle, kobasice... Sachertorte and Wiener Schnitzel are just the start of Vienna’s gastronomic story, which also includes apple strudel, Mozartkugel balls, wurst sausages etc.
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