Vienna’s most visited lan- dmark is Schönbrunn Pala- ce, a stunning example of Baroque architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This former imperial summer residence attracts millions of visitors each year, drawn to its magnificent palace, be- autifully landscaped gardens and the Gloriette, with its pa- noramic views of Vienna. Austria’s largest palace of the Habsburgs, it boasts im- perial ceremonial rooms, magnificent gardens and a lavish virtual reality expe- rience. Schönbrunn Pala- ce was in the possession of the Habsburgs from 1569, but the complex was com- pletely redesigned under Ma- ria Theresa after 1743. Due to its historical significance, unique layout and magnifi- cent furnishings, this palace is today a UNESCO World He- ritage site. Schönbrunn Palace has a to- tal of 1,441 rooms, 45 of whi- ch can be visited. The in- teriors are in the Rococo style. Mozart made music at Schönbrunn Palace as a six- year-old prodigy. The Milli- ons Room, panelled with ro- sewood and decorated with valuable miniatures from In- dia and Persia, ranks among the most beautiful Rococo rooms in existence. The Con- gress of Vienna convened in the Grand Gallery in 1814/15. The Gloriette stands on hig- her ground in Schönbrunn Palace Park and offers a fan- tastic view of Vienna. This magnificent structure is to- day home to a café where you are awaited by delicio- us pastries. And on Sunday mornings there's brunch with live music ranging from cla- ssical to jazz. Emperor Franz Joseph I and Sisi also loved this place so much that they set up a breakfast hall in the Gloriette.
ČUVENI PANORAMSKI TOČAK / Famous ferris wheel
Jedan od zaštitnih znakova Beča je Rizenrad ili džinov - ski panoramski točak koji se nalazi na početku zabavnog parka Prater. Otvoren je za javnost 3. jula 1897. godine povodom proslave 50. go - dišnjice vladavine cara Fran - ca Jozefa. Hiljade ljudi je posmatralo zvanice na inauguracionom krugu, a novinski izveštaji su toplo govorili o odličnom pogledu i udobnoj vožnji. Dizajner Volter Baset je već usavršio svoje inženjerske veštine u izgradnji panoram - skog točka u Londonu pre nego što je radio na beč - koj verziji. Cela konstrukci - ja teška preko 430 tona ima prečnik nešto manje od 61 metra. Okreć e se polako, ali sigurno, brzinom od 2,7 km/h. Točak zauzima posebno me - sto u srcima Bečlija i pose - tilaca zahvaljujuć i i svojoj ulozi u filmovima i TV seri - jama. Te crvene kabine su igrale ključne role u „Treć em čoveku“ sa Orsonom Velsom ili u „Pre svitanja“ sa Itanom Hokom, pa će i to doprine - ti osećaju da ste doživeli ne - što izuzetno.
One of Vienna’s most renowned landmarks is the Riesenrad or the Giant Ferris Wheel, located at the start of the Prater amu- sement park. It first opened to the public on 3 rd July 1897, to mark celebrations of the 50 th anniversary of the reign of Em- peror Franz Joseph. A crowd of thousands watched the official guests take an inaugural trip, and newspaper reports wrote warmly of the excellent views and comfortable ride. Designer Walter Basset had already honed his engineering skills by building a big wheel in London before working on the Viennese version. The structu- re weighs over 430 tonnes and has a diameter of just under 61 metres. It turns slowly, but surely, at a speed of 2.7 km/h. The wheel has a special place in the hearts of locals and vi- sitors thanks to its appearan- ce in various much-loved films and TV shows. Those red ca- bins played critical roles in su- ch notable films as The Third Man with Orson Welles and Be- fore Sunrise with Ethan Hawke, so that will also contribute to the feeling that you’ve expe- rienced something extraordi- nary.
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