In footsteps of the great Freud
Već i deo svog života Sigmu - nd Frojd je austrijsku prestoni - cu zvao domom. Njegovo na - sleđe je bilo toliko značajno da je Beč jedno vreme postao po - znat i kao Grad snova. Može - te prošetati i zaroniti duboko u Frojdovo vreme, tražeć i mesta u kojima je živeo i radio. U tipičnom bečkom saloncu, na adresi Bergase 19, otac psi - hoanalize Sigmund Frojd živeo je sa ženom Martom, šesto - ro dece i svastikom. U taj stan uselio se 1891. i u njemu pro - veo 47 godina, sve dok se pre - ko Pariza nije domogao Lon - dona bežeći od nacista. Tu se nalazio čuveni kauč, tu su na - stala njegova najpoznatija de - la, tu je pušio, i to mnogo, pri - mao slavne pacijente, odatle je išao u obližnji park, u kafe „Landtmann“, u Muzej istorije umetnosti. Voleo je staroegi - patsku umetnost i imao boga - tu kolekciju. Frojdov dom na bečkoj adre - si je 1971. godine u prisustvu njegove ćerke Ane Frojd, tako - đe psihoanalitičarke, pretvo - ren u muzej. Zvonite na ploči - cu s imenom „Prof. dr Frojd“, ulazite u čekaonicu gde su se održavali čuveni Sastanci sre - dom, iz kojih se kasnije izrodi - lo Bečko psihoanalitičko druš - tvo, gledate naučne radove, knjige i neizbežno shvatate da o tom briljantnom umu ipak ta - ko malo znate, iako ste baš od njega o sebi naučili mnogo. Ma koliko se danas o njego - vim dostignućima polemisalo, Frojd nam je pružio utehu i ot - krio veliku istinu – da je mno - go teško živeti kao ljudsko bi - će. On je to otkrio u Beču.
For most of his li- fe, Sigmund Freud called Vienna ho- me. His legacy was so significant that Vienna even beca- me known as the “City of Dreams” for a time. You can walk in Vienna and dive deep into Fre- ud and his time, seeking out the pla- ces where he lived
from here he went to the near- by park, to Café Landtmann, to the Museum of Art History. He loved ancient Egyptian art and had a rich collection. In 1971, Freud’s home at this Vienna address, in the presen- ce of his daughter Anna Fre- ud, also a psychoanalyst, was converted into a museum. Ring the bell on the namepla- te reading Prof. Dr. Freud, en- ter the waiting room where the famous Wednesday meetin- gs were held, which later led to the emergence of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, view scientific works, ashtrays and books, and you inevitably rea- lise how little you know about this brilliant mind, even though you have learned a lot about yourself from him. And no matter how controver- sial his discoveries are today, he gave us great comfort and discovered a great truth – that living as a human being is very difficult. And he discovered that in Vienna.
and worked. In a typical Viennese salon apartment, at Berggasse 19, lived the father of psycho- analysis, with his wife Mar- tha, their six children and his sister-in-law. He moved in- to this apartment in 1891 and spent 47 years there, until he fled from the Nazis via Paris to London. Here was his famous cou- ch, where his most renow- ned works were created; here he smoked, a lot, and recei- ved many celebrity patients;
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