Elevate January 2025 | Air Serbia


FESTIVAL / FESTIVAL Kod Kuste u Drvengradu At Kusta’s place in Drvengrad

Osamnaesti Međunarodni filmski i muzički festi- val „Kustendorf“ održaće se u januaru 2025. godine u Drvengradu na Mokroj Gori. Jedan je od retkih fe- stivala na svetu na kojima je na svakom koraku vidlji- va razmena energije mladih i iskusnih umetnika, a ko- ji ugošćavaju proslavljene autore, glumce i muzičare te studente filmskih škola iz celog sveta, kao i druge eminentne goste iz sveta filma. Scena je postavljena, bukvalno, na snegom prekrive- nom brdu u drvenom selu Drvengrad, koje je podigao Emir Kusturica za svoj film „Život je čudo“ (2004), a dodao je sobe u stilu planinskih kuć ica, restorane, ba- rove, bioskope i razne neobične objekte. Na festiva- lu filmski stvaraoci od Kine do Islanda prikazuju svo- ja nova dela, dok noć ni koncerti odzvanjaju do ranih jutarnjih sati. Okružen šumovitim brdima, Drvengrad predstavlja divnu bazu za zimsku zabavu, bez velike gužve. Tu je sve u znaku filma, naročito sredinom ja- nuara, pa možete sresti Džonija Depa, Moniku Belu- či i Nikitu Mihalkova kako se šetaju Ulicom Ive Andrića i Trgom Nikole Tesle ili piju vruću rakiju u kafani „Kod Ćorkana“...

The 18 th Küstendorf International Film and Music Festival will take place once again in the Mokra Gora village of Drvengrad during January 2025. It is one of the world’s few festivals at which ex- changes of energy between young and experienced artists are visible at every step, hosts celebrated filmmakers, actors and musicians, as well as students of film schools from around the world and other eminent guests from the world of film. The scene has been set, literally, on a snowy hill in the wooden village of Drvengrad, which was constructed by Emir Kusturica for the purposes of his 2004 film Life is a Miracle, while the celebrated director subsequently added chalet-style accommodation, restaurants, bars, cinemas and various unusual facilities. The festival sees filmmak- ers from China to Iceland present their latest works, while concerts are held each night and resound into the ear- ly morning hours. Surrounded by forested hills, Drvengrad represents a wonderful base of operations for winter fun, without major crowds. Everything here is marked by films, especially in mid-January, when you can encounter the likes of Johnny Depp, Monica Bellucci and Nikita Mikhalkov strolling along Ivo Andrić Street and wandering Nikola Tesla Square or drinking hot rakia at the Ćorkan’s Place tavern...

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