THE WORDS IN THE INTRODUCTION ABOVE serve to summarise the mission and activities of humanitarian or- ganisation “Dečje Srce” (Child’s Heart), which has spent more than two decades providing support to persons with developmental disabilities and their families, with the aim of socially integrating these individuals and making them independent. “We are advocates of the idea that we all speak the same language that’s universal for all human beings; the language that moves us; the language of love, because only the heart creates that language. That’s precisely why Dečje Srce, led by the language of love and working throu- gh various programmes and activities, became a leader in the field of social inclusion, by advocating and implemen- ting key strategies that enable persons with developmen- tal disabilities to become independent and socially integra- ted,” says Goran Rojević, director of this organisation. After 23 years of operations, this organisation has established direct and close contacts with more than 3,500 families, due to the belief that preserving and stren- gthening the family structure is the key to preventing the institutionalisation of children and adults with developmen- tal disabilities. More than 1,300 children take advantage of the Child’s Personal Companion service on a daily basis, thus enabling them to participate actively in the educatio- nal process and enjoy a fulfilling life. Furthermore, in excess of 1,800 users have been included in more than 250 Sc- hool of Life and School of Life Skills programmes that have helped users become independent and active members of society. More than 640 socially inclusive activities ha- ve also been implemented, such as trips to cinemas, the- atres, excursions and concerts, thereby enabling young persons with developmental disabilities to experience the joys of life together with their peers from regular schools. This organisation has provided education for mo- re than 280 workers at institutions responsible for caring for people with developmental disabilities, helping them to improve their skills and abilities through 3,200 hours of mentoring activities. Dečje Srce has thus helped secure foster families for more than 100 children, because every individual deserves a chance to have a happy life in a fami- ly environment. “Right now, as you enjoy your flight and tick off some new moments, results and goals, as we also often do, we invite you to take a break and listen to the sounds of your heart. These are sounds that also inexorably count the be- ats and count some days and years. After 18 years of ope- rations, we listened to our own heart and did what no one had done before us: we opened a café and work hub whe- re the employees are young persons with developmen- tal disabilities, which we named Zvuci Srca (Sounds of the Heart). That’s also why we ask you – on behalf of tho- se most in need of support – to believe whenever you he- ar your own heartbeat that the world is a place of equal opportunities for all; that somewhere in Serbia, or in the Ar- ctic or Antarctica, there are people living with the same he- artbeats, aspirations and faith in a better tomorrow,” conc- ludes Rojević inspiringly.
CAPA za decu Svetski samit o avijaciji CAPA u novembru je veoma uspešno održan u Beogradu, a tom prilikom CAPA je po- novo pokazala i svoju humanitarnu stranu. Naime, na sva- koj destinaciji na kojoj jednom godišnje održavaju samite, oni se trude da ostvare pozitivan uticaj i obezbede finan- sijsku pomoć. Primera radi, u Australiji je donacija otišla u „FareShare“, zajedničku kuhinju u kojoj volonteri kuvaju obroke za ljude koji rade teške poslove, u Trinidad i Toba- go pomogli su organizaciju „Nature Seekers“, pasionirano posvećenu zaštiti ugrožene kožaste kornjače, a u Meksiku lokalnu osnovnu školu. U Beogradu su čuli za organizaci- ju „Dečje srce“ i, kako kažu, bili veoma dirnuti onim što ova organizacija čini. Novac koji su donirali će, prema rečima direktora „Dečjeg srca“, između ostalog otići i za kupovinu potrošnog materijala majci, cegera, šolja na kojima mladi sa smetnjama u mentalnom razvoju štampaju i koje distri- buiraju u firmama i organizacijama...
CAPA FOR CHILDREN The world aviation summit of CAPA was held very suc- cessfully in Belgrade during November 2024 and provid- ed an opportunity for CAPA to once again demonstrate its humanitarian side. Specifically, this organisation strives to make a positive impact and provide financial assistance in every destination that hosts its annual summit. For in- stance, in Australia a CAPA donation went to FareShare, a charitable community kitchen where volunteers prepare nutritious meals for people engaged in tough work, while in Trinidad and Tobago they helped organisation Nature Seekers, which is passionately dedicated to protecting the endangered leatherback turtle, and in Mexico CAPA pro- vided funds for a local primary school. In Belgrade, CAPA heard about organisation Dečje Srce and, as the organi- sation’s leaders say, were very moved by the work done by this organisation. According to the director of Dečje Srce, the money donated by CAPA will be used, among other things, to buy consumable materials for mothers, includ- ing shopping bags and mugs with prints created by young people with developmental disabilities that will be distrib- uted to companies and organisations...
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