Hram Svetog Save podignut je na mestu na kojem je, kako se smatra, Sinan-paša 1595. spalio mošti Svetog Save, osnivača Srpske pravoslavne crkve
The Temple of Saint Sava was constructed on the spot where Sinan Pasha is said to have burned the mortal remains of Saint Sava, founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in 1595
BOŽIĆNI PRAZNICI DODAĆE ČAROLIJU CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ONLY ADD TO THE ENCHANTMENT Posetite prelepe beogradske crkve Visit Belgrade’s beautiful churches Beograđani mogu da se podiče svojim Hramom, jednim od najvećih na svetu, jedinstvenom Crkvom Svetog Marka, moćnom Sabornom ili romantičnom Ružicom na Kalemegdanu, koje su samo neke od mnogobrojnih bogomolja prestonice / Belgraders can boast of their Temple, which is one of the world’s largest, the unique Church of Saint Mark, the powerful Orthodox Cathedral or Belgrade Fortress’s romantic Ružica Church. And these are just a few of the many beautiful houses of worship in the Serbian capital
HRAM SVETOG SAVE Pred očima posmatrača iskri se zlato, simbol bo- žanske svetlosti. To su milioni komadića kobaltnog stakla od kojeg su sačinjeni mozaici. Oni se prosti- ru na 15.000 kvadratnih metara svodova, gde grade novozavetne slike Vaskrsenja, Rođenja Hristovog, Vaznesenja Bogorodice, likove na hiljade svetaca. Biblijska priča teče unazad, sve do stvaranja sveta. Tu su i krilati heruvimi, nebeska bića i čuvari raja, po crkvenim predanjima. Najimpresivniji je prostor glavnog od četiri olta- ra, posvećen Svetom Savi, utemeljivaču Srpske pravo-
TEMPLE OF SAINT SAVA Before the eye of the beholder sparkles gold, sym- bolising divine light. The effect is created by millions of cobalt tiles used to create the mosaics. They extend over an area of 15,000 square metres of vaults, where they form New Testament scenes of the Resurrection, the Nativity of Jesus, the Assumption of Mary, with images of thousands of saints. The biblical story flows in reverse, all the way back to the creation of the world. Also represented are winged cherubs, heavenly beings and guardians of paradise, in accordance with eccle- siastical tradition. The most impressive sec-
slavne crkve, koga natkriljuje Hrist Pantokrator, zauzimajući centralno mesto u kupoli op- točenoj plavim mozaikom koji oličava nebo. Prelamanje sve- tlosti na visećim svećnjacima stvara utisak da se svetitelji pokreću. Tehnički podaci ostaju u pozadini tog utiska, pa uku- pna težina delova mozaika od 320 tona i broj od 50 milio- na kamenčića postaju nebit- ni spram impozantne lepote Hrama. Ovo prelepo zdanje su slike u mozaiku i delimič-
tion is the main altar of the four, which is dedicated to Saint Sa- va, founder of the Serbian Or- thodox Church. Towering over his image is that of Christ Pan- tocrator, who also occupies the central section of the dome, en- circled by blue mosaic tiles that represent the sky. The refrac- tion of light from the hanging chandeliers creates the impres- sion that the saints are moving. Technical information takes a backseat as the impres- sion overwhelms, rendering ir-
no ikonopisu u kombinaciji sa bravurama u mermeru učinile veličanstvenim. Da Hram pripada svim ver- nicima, pokazuje devet bronzanih vrata na glavnom ulazu sa ugraviranom molitvom Očenaš na 24 jezi- ka. Molitva Bogorodici na severnoj kapiji ispisana je na osam jezika. Dobrodošlica je ipak prvenstveno vi- zuelna, pa je razumeju i deca i turisti bez religijskog obrazovanja i verskih sklonosti. I svi iz Hrama izla- ze sa istim zaključkom, da je to nešto najlepše što su ikada videli. Ili da je zdanje na Vračaru bar ravno ve- ličanstvenoj Aja Sofiji u Istanbulu.
relevant the impressive total mosaic weight of 320 tonnes and 50 million tiles used, in comparison to the sheer magnificence of the temple’s beauty. This exqui- site edifice was made magnificent thanks to the mosa- ic images and icon painting, in combination with out- standing marblework. Demonstrating that the Temple belongs to all believers are the nine bronze doors of the main entrance that are engraved with the Lord’s Prayer in 24 languages. The Prayer to the Virgin Mary on the north gate is inscribed in eight languages. The welcome greeting is nonetheless primarily visual, en-
Tekst / Words: Vanja Filipović Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, Zoran Ilić, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krtić,
Aleksandar Dimitrijević
Belgrade » Beograd | 69
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