Na 30 minuta od aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ prema Zagrebu nalazi se NAVAK prva namenska auto- moto staza u Srbiji i centar za bezbednu vožnju i napredne edukacije vozača / Located per just a 30-minute highway drive from Nikola Tesla Airport in the direction of Zagreb is NAVAK, the first dedicated motor racing circuit in Serbia for safe driving and advanced driver training
Bez obzira na to da li je reč o vozaču početniku ili o profesio- nalcu koji se priprema za takmičenja najvišeg ranga, ovaj kom- pleks pruža idealne uslove. Centar NAVAK je osmišljen da pru- ži najšire mogućnosti svim vozačima koji upravljaju motociklom, automobilom ili kamionom, da na bezbedan način pri realnim br- zinama iskuse gde su njihove sopstvene granice, kao i limiti sa- mog vozila. Centar NAVAK, zavisno od vrste edukacije i programa koji se organizuje, može da pruži najrazličitije konfiguracije staze dužine sve do četiri kilometra, koliko ukupno ima najduži krug sa 23 krivi- ne, sa prosečnom brzinom jednog kruga od čak 160 km/h. Zbog mogućnosti da u svoju glavnu halu primi vozila bilo koje mase i bilo kojih dimenzija i da direktno sa statične prezentacije ta ista vozila pošalje na stazu, a zatim ih vrati ponovo na prezentaci- ju, NAVAK se sa svojom stazom i svim pratećim objektima odavno postavio kao „one stop shop“ u kome korisnici od kongresne hale preko učionica i simulator sale imaju već obezbeđene sve tehnič- ke resurse, od rasvete, najmodernijih ekrana, pa sve do elemena- ta kao što su benzinska stanica, punjači za električna vozila, servi- sna i vulkanizerska radionica i tako redom.
Whether you’re a novice driver or a professional preparing to compete at the highest level, this complex provides ideal conditi- ons. The NAVAK Centre has been designed to provide maximum possibilities to all drivers of motorcycles, cars or trucks, enabling them to test their limits, and those of their vehicle, in a safe way and at realistic speeds. Depending on the type of training and the programme being organised, the NAVAK Centre is able to offer the most varied cir- cuit configurations over a distance of up to four kilometres, whi- ch is the length of the longest circuit that has a total of 23 curves and an average lap speed of as high as 160 km/h. Thanks to the possibility of receiving vehicles of any weight and dimensions in its main presentation hall, and the ability to transport those same vehicles from the presentation hall dire- ctly to and from the track, NAVAK has – with its racetrack and all accompanying facilities – long established itself as a “one-stop shop”, where all technical resources are secured for users of the congress hall, classrooms and simulator hall – from lighting and the most modern screens, to elements like filling stations, electric vehicle chargers, mechanics service and tyre workshops etc.
Izbor najboljih O kvalitetu objekta kao što je centar NAVAK sve- doči i to da je ovde godinama obavljan razvoj poje- dinih novih automobila i njihovih sistema. Recimo, najbrži električni automobil na svetu, rimac „ne- vera“, svoje prototipske dane provodila je u centru NAVAK gde je činila prve korake dugo pre nego što je svet saznao za njeno postojanje. Takođe, na ovoj stazi obavljana su ispitivanja sistema autonomne vožnje kao i deo razvoja softvera za praćenje po- našanja vozača. SELECTING THE BEST Testifying to the quality of the NAVAK Centre as a fa- cility is the fact that the development of individual new cars and their systems has been carried out here for years. For instance, the world’s fastest all-electric sports car, Rimac Nevera, spent its prototype days at the NAVAK Centre, where it took its first laps long be- fore the world even knew of its existence. This track has also been used to test autonomous, self-driving systems and for part of the development of software for driver behaviour monitoring systems.
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