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NAJLEPŠI BEČKI SUVENIR / VIENNA’S MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR Dok sneg pada u staklenoj kugli While snow falls in a glass orb
Kada negde u prodavnici ukrasa vidite snežnu kuglu, protresite je, setite se da je nastala u Beču, i to sasvim slučajno / When you see a snow globe in some shop selling decorations, shake it and remember that it was invented in Vienna, completely by accident
YOUMIGHTWONDERWHAT SNOW GLOBES HAVE TO DO WITH THE AUSTRIAN CAPITAL . The answer is that they were created in Vienna, completely by accident! Erwin Perzy was a surgical in- struments mechanic, but also an in- ventor. On one occasion, in the year 1900, he was attempting to improve the light provided by an Edison light bulb for the purposes of operating theatres. He filled a glass sphere with water, placed it in front of a candle and added tiny pieces of reflective glitter. He next experimented with semolina flakes. Although he didn’t achieve the desired effect, the small white particles fluttering in the orb reminded him of falling snow. He happened to have a miniature model of the city’s cathedral that he’d made for a friend. He placed it in the mid- dle of the ball and thus created the snow globe. The fourth generation of Vi- enna’s Perzy family still makes these traditional glass balls to this day, and the magic of this unusu- al object has enticed many artists who’ve turned it into artworks. By redefining its playful nature and giving it a deeper meaning, they turned this pretty ball of glittery powder into an iconic part of West- ern festive culture. Of course, when you’re in Vienna you should visit the Hernals district (Schumanngasse 87) and the shop where it all began, more than a centu- ry ago. There is also a museum in this charming building that dates back more than 250 years, with a sales ar- ea that offers countless globes and hundreds of motifs that you’ll find irresistible. There you can also learn more about the process of making these objects, but be aware that the museum is closed on Fridays, Satur- days and Sundays, while it is open on other days from 9am to 3pm.
MOŽDA SE PITATE KAKVE VEZE SNEŽNE KUGLE IMAJU SA AUSTRIJSKOM PRESTONI- COM ? Odgovor je – nastale su u Beču i to slučajno! Izvesni Ervin Perzi bio je me- haničar, održavao je hirurške in- strumente, a bio je i pronalazač. Jednom je prilikom poželeo da po- boljša svetlo Edisonove sijalice za operacionu salu. Bila je 1900. godi- na. Postavio je staklenu kuglu is- punjenu vodom ispred sveće i uba- cio u nju sitne reflektujuće šljokice. Zatim je eksperiment izveo sa pa- huljicama griza. Iako nije postigao efekat koji je želeo, male bele če- stice koje su lepršale u kugli pod- setile su ga na padanje snega. Pri ruci mu je bila maketa katedrale koju je napravio za jednog prija- telja. Postavio ju je u sredinu i na- stala je „schneekugel“. Bečka porodica Perzi i danas,
u četvrtoj generaciji, pravi tradi- cionalne staklene kugle, a magiji ovog neobičnog predmeta pridru- žili su se i mnogi umetnici koji su je pretvorili u umetničko de- lo. Redefinišući njenu razigranu prirodu i dajući joj dublje znače- nje, ljupku kuglu sa svetlucavim prahom učinili su ikoničnim pra- zničnim delom zapadne kulture. Naravno, kad dođete u Beč, posetite okrug Hernals (Schu- manngasse 87) i radnju u kojoj je sve počelo pre više od jednog veka. Tu je i muzej u šarmantnoj zgradi staroj preko 250 godina, a prodajni prostor nudi izobilje ku- gli i stotine motiva kojima neće- te odoleti. Ovde se možete bliže upoznati sa procesom izrade ovih predmeta, ali imajte na umu da muzej ne radi petkom, subotom i nedeljom, kao i da je ostalim da- nima otvoren od 9 do 15.
Tekst / Words: Suzana Spasić Fotografije / Photography:
84 | Beč » Vienna
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